[gmx-users] editconf errors for isoleucine residue

YOLANDA SMALL yas102 at psu.edu
Thu Apr 21 04:59:06 CEST 2005


I used the editconf utility to convert a file from pdb to gro and back to pdb
again.  There appears to be an error in converting the units and it only
happens with the isoleucine residue on a 365 residue protein.  The .gro file is
using the digits after the decimal so perhaps the unit conversion part of the
code is malfunctioning.  I have attached the section of the files for you to
see. Is this a known problem? Has anyone else encounterd this problem? Is there
a fix for it?


>From original pdb file
ATOM   1370  N   ILE A  89      48.865  40.003  13.593  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1371  CA  ILE A  89      49.550  38.952  12.846  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1372  C   ILE A  89      48.833  37.610  13.056  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1373  O   ILE A  89      48.208  37.380  14.095  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1374  CB  ILE A  89      51.052  38.899  13.240  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1375  CG1 ILE A  89      51.329  38.529  14.720  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1376  CG2 ILE A  89      51.766  40.205  12.847  1.00  0.00          
ATOM   1377  CD  ILE A  89      52.802  38.195  14.994  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1378  H   ILE A  89      48.697  39.833  14.579  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1379  HA  ILE A  89      49.487  39.162  11.777  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1380  HB  ILE A  89      51.492  38.112  12.623  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1381 HG11 ILE A  89      51.006  39.339  15.376  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1382 HG12 ILE A  89      50.739  37.661  15.013  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1383 HG21 ILE A  89      52.840  40.052  12.752  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1384 HG22 ILE A  89      51.410  40.580  11.889  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1385 HG23 ILE A  89      51.590  40.992  13.581  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1386  HD1 ILE A  89      53.157  37.399  14.339  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1387  HD2 ILE A  89      53.444  39.064  14.848  1.00  0.00           
ATOM   1388  HD3 ILE A  89      52.934  37.859  16.021  1.00  0.00

Gro file generated with (editconf -f file.pdb -o file1.gro)
   89ILE      N 1371  86.500   0.300  59.300
   89ILE      H 1372  69.700  83.300  57.900
   89ILE     CA 1373  55.000  95.200  84.600
   89ILE     HA 1374  48.700  16.200  77.700
   89ILE     CB 1375   5.200  89.900  24.000
   89ILE     HB 1376  49.200  11.200  62.300
   89ILE    CG1 1377  32.900  52.900  72.000
   89ILE   HG11 1378   0.600  33.900  37.600
   89ILE   HG12 1379  73.900  66.100   1.300
   89ILE    CG2 1380  76.600  20.500  84.700
   89ILE   HG21 1381  84.000   5.200  75.200
   89ILE   HG22 1382  41.000  58.000  88.900
   89ILE   HG23 1383  59.000  99.200  58.100
   89ILE     CD 1384  80.200  19.500  99.400
   89ILE    HD1 1385  15.700  39.900  33.900
   89ILE    HD2 1386  44.400   6.400  84.800
   89ILE    HD3 1387  93.400  85.900   2.100
   89ILE      C 1388  83.300  61.000   5.600
   89ILE      O 1389  20.800  38.000   9.500

PDB file generated with (editconf -f file1.gro -o file2.pdb)
ATOM   1371  N   ILE    89     865.000   3.000 593.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1372  H   ILE    89     697.000 833.000 579.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1373  CA  ILE    89     550.000 952.000 846.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1374  HA  ILE    89     487.000 162.000 777.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1375  CB  ILE    89      52.000 899.000 240.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1376  HB  ILE    89     492.000 112.000 623.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1377  CG1 ILE    89     329.000 529.000 720.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1378 HG11 ILE    89       6.000 339.000 376.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1379 HG12 ILE    89     739.000 661.000  13.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1380  CG2 ILE    89     766.000 205.000 847.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1381 HG21 ILE    89     840.000  52.000 752.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1382 HG22 ILE    89     410.000 580.000 889.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1383 HG23 ILE    89     590.000 992.000 581.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1384  CD  ILE    89     802.000 195.000 994.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1385  HD1 ILE    89     157.000 399.000 339.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1386  HD2 ILE    89     444.000  64.000 848.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1387  HD3 ILE    89     934.000 859.000  21.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1388  C   ILE    89     833.000 610.000  56.000  1.00  0.00
ATOM   1389  O   ILE    89     208.000 380.000  95.000  1.00  0.00

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