[gmx-users]future hardware

Sabuj Pattanayek sabuj.pattanayek at vanderbilt.edu
Fri Dec 2 16:32:27 CET 2005

Erik Lindahl wrote:
> On Dec 1, 2005, at 7:01 PM, Andrey V. Golovin wrote:
>> Interesting, will Intel use Xbox Xeon for servers and  workstations  
>> or it will be just a console version? AMD actually planing quad  core 
>> opterons and more cores on chip
> The Xbox360 chip is a PowerPC-derivative codenamed "Xenon" and  produced 
> by IBM - Intel isn't involved at all, so it has nothing to  do with Xeon 
> x86 chips.
Ohh thank god, for a moment I thought we would have to control our 
models and simulations using these:


> Cheers,
> Erik

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