[gmx-users] RE: g_rdf
Junfang.Zhang at csiro.au
Junfang.Zhang at csiro.au
Mon Dec 5 06:13:22 CET 2005
Hi David,
I am simulating the system of water+methane. Can you please let me know
how to use g_rdf to analyze the radial distribution around a specific
set of particles, for example, O-O O-H H-H CH4-O or CH4-CH4.
The topology file is as follows,
; Metahne and water
#include "ffmet.itp"
[ moleculetype ]
; Name nrexcl
CH4 2
[ atoms ]
1 C4 1 CH4 C4 1 0.0000 12.0100
[ bonds ]
[ pairs ]
[ angles ]
[ dihedrals ]
[ moleculetype ]
; molname nrexcl
[ atoms ]
; id at type res nr residu name at name cg nr charge
1 opls_115 1 SOL MW1 1 -1.04 0.0000
2 opls_114 1 SOL HW2 1 0.52 1.00800
3 opls_114 1 SOL HW3 1 0.52 1.00800
4 opls_113 1 SOL OW4 1 0 15.99940
[ bonds ]
; i j funct length force.c.
4 2 1 0.09572 502416.0 0.09572 502416.0
4 3 1 0.09572 502416.0 0.09572 502416.0
[ angles ]
; i j k funct angle force.c.
2 4 3 1 104.52 628.02 104.52 628.02
[ constraints ]
; i funct doh dhh
4 2 1 0.09572
4 3 1 0.09572
3 2 1 0.15139
[ exclusions ]
1 2 3 4
2 1 3 4
3 1 2 4
4 1 2 3
[ dummies3 ]
; Dummy from funct a b
1 4 2 3 1 0.128012065 0.128012065
; Include Position restraint file
#ifdef POSRES
#include "posre.itp"
[ system ]
; Name
Molecular Crystal
[ molecules ]
; Compound #mols
CH4 8
SOL 213
ffmet.itp is as follows,
[ defaults ]
; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1 3 yes 0.5 0.5
[ atomtypes ]
opls_115 1.00000 0.000 A 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
opls_114 1.00000 0.000 A 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
opls_113 1.00000 0.000 A 3.15365e-01 6.48520e-01
C4 1.00000 0.000 A 3.50000e-01 2.76144e-01
[ nonbond_params ]
C4 opls_113 1 3.704000E-01 1.1359277e+00
Regards and thanks,
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