[gmx-users] Range Checking Error
Morgan Fairweather
equalizer007700 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 21 00:13:56 CET 2005
Thank you for the help, I set pbc=full in the mdp file
and tried to analyze the results with g_energy.
Unfortunately the simulation did not make it through 1
step so g_energy won't allow me to look at energy
terms. Further, there is only 1 type of bond, an SI-O
bond so I am not as suspect of the bonded term. Are
there any other ideas?
> Hello,
> I am afraid my question got missed and so am
> it. Further information that might be important is
> that we created the structure with x2top in gromacs
> 3.2 and the energy minimization is being attempted
> version 3.3 :
> I am trying to run a simulation on an infinite
> silicon surface. We built the structure from a unit
> cell and used X2top with pbc option to generate a
> framework for the itp file. Bonds, angles and
> dihedrals were generated in prodrg and the
> ffG43a1bon.itp file was edited to include these
> additions. Currently, we are trying to run an
> minimzation on the system and are running into the
> following error:
did you sepcify
pbc = full
in the mdp file?
Check which energy term causes the high energy, I
would guess it is the
bonded term.
> Back Off! I just backed up mem1out.log to
> ./#mem1out.log.3#
> Getting Loaded...
> Reading file gem1out.tpr, VERSION 3.3 (single
> precision)
> Loaded with Money
> Back Off! I just backed up mem1out.edr to
> ./#mem1out.edr.3#
> Polak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradients:
> Tolerance (Fmax) = 1.00000e+03
> Number of steps = 5000
> F-max = 1.13638e+08 on atom
> F-Norm = nan
> Program mdrun, VERSION 3.3
> Source code file: nsgrid.c, line: 226
> Range checking error:
> Explanation: During neighborsearching, we
> each particle to a grid
> based on its coordinates. If your system
> collisions or parameter
> errors that give particles very high velocities
> you might end up with some
> coordinates being +-Infinity or NaN
> (not-a-number). Obviously, we cannot
> put these on a grid, so this is usually where
> detect those errors.
> Make sure your system is properly
> energy-minimized and that the potential
> energy seems reasonable before trying again.
> Variable ci has value -2147483648. It should
> been within [ 0 .. 11875 ]
> Please report this to the mailing list
> (gmx-users at gromacs.org)
> "I'm Your Worst Nightmare" (Creep)
> Halting program mdrun
> gcq#38: "I'm Your Worst Nightmare" (Creep)
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