[gmx-users] dppc.itp and ffg43a

Anton Feenstra feenstra at few.vu.nl
Fri Feb 4 08:30:15 CET 2005

Chris Shaw wrote:

> Hi all,
> this really follows on from my prev email. The lipid top files on Peters web site are for the ffgmx forcefield, does anyone have these file with the correct force constants for the ffG43 forcefields. Or perhaps am i missing something and i can use the existing dppc.itp forcefield (ffgmx) whilst using ffG43 for my protein.

No, don't mix them. IIRC, there is an g43a flavour with enhanced lipid 
parameters. You'd have to convert the lipid topologies to the right 
parameters (atom types, bondeds types), but they may be available 
somewhere already. (anyone?)



* NOTE: New Phone & Fax numbers (below) *

  _____________ _______________________________________________________
|             |                                                       |
|  _   _  ___,| K. Anton Feenstra                                     |
| / \ / \'| | | Dept. of Pharmacochem. - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam |
|(   |   )| | | De Boelelaan 1083 - 1081 HV Amsterdam - Netherlands   |
| \_/ \_/ | | | Tel: +31 20 59 87608 - Fax: +31 20 59 87610           |
|             | Feenstra at few.vu.nl - www.few.vu.nl/~feenstra/         |
|             | "If You See Me Getting High, Knock Me Down" (RHCP)    |

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