[gmx-users] capped residue
Luciane V. Mello
mello at cenargen.embrapa.br
Wed Jan 19 11:00:34 CET 2005
Dear all,
I got an endcapped 15 residue-peptide. The carboxyl
end-group is amidated: C(O)NH2 instead of C(O)OH.
the pdb file ends like:
ATOM 101 C GLU 13 87.765 14.981 13.146 1.00 0.00
1MOD 102
ATOM 102 O GLU 13 86.689 15.414 12.738 1.00 0.00
1MOD 103
ATOM 103 NT NH2 14 88.017 14.621 14.438 1.00 0.00
1MOD 104
HETATM 104 CA CA 15 89.771 20.430 9.250 1.00 0.00
1MOD 105
being CA a calcium ion.
When I try to run:
pdb2gmx -f capped_fit.pdb
I got the following message:
Fatal error: Atom NT in residue NH2 15 not found in rtp database
while sorting atoms
If I check at
NT atom is there!
any idea?
thanks in advance,
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