[gmx-users] alchemical free energy changes with OPLS

Alexandre Suman de Araujo asaraujo at if.sc.usp.br
Tue Jul 12 12:38:58 CEST 2005

Are you using single or double precision?
In single precision the noise is general high generating this kind of

Alexandre Suman de Araujo
asaraujo at if.sc.usp.br
UIN: 6194055
IFSC - USP - São Carlos - Brasil

Brian Stephenson wrote:

> Hi,
> I've recently been computing free energies of hydration by converting
> all-atoms in a molecule to non-interacting dummy atoms in water and
> vacuo.  DeltaG hydration then equals the difference between this
> free-energy
> change in vacuo and this free-energy change in water.  I have been
> getting good
> results (in comparison with experiment) for my hydration free energy
> calculations using dummy atoms which I define in my .top file.
> However, I've been trying to set up some alchemical simulations lately
> and these
> aren't working as well. As you can see in the attached topology file, I'm
> morphing ethane into ethane, which should (obviously) have a net free
> energy
> change of zero.  I'm trying to mimic a study published by David
> Pearlman ("A
> Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Free Energy Calculations" J. Phys.
> Chem. 1994, 1487-1493).  I start with a propane molecule and use pdb2gmx
> to get a .top file.  Then I change some atoms to be dummies such that
> at lambda
> = 0 and 1, only ethane is present additional dummy atoms attached. 
> The dummy
> groups switch from one side of the molecule to the other over the
> course of the
> simulation.
> I've been using windows of lambda to estimate dG/dlambda for lambda
> between 0
> and 1, but unfortunately, my results for dG/dlambda are only roughly,
> and not
> exactly, symmetric.  Also the results are very noisy, even for
> simulation times
> MUCH longer than reported by Pearlman in his paper (a factor of 1000
> longer).
> Instead of getting a free energy change of zero I get results between
> -30 and
> 30 kJ/mol (depending on implementation details and simulation time).  
> I get similar
> problems in vacuo and water, although transformations in both
> environments should
> have a deltaG of zero.
> Is the way I am implementing dummy atoms with OPLS correct?  Because I was
> getting OK results for my hydration free energy calculations I thought
> it would
> be, but maybe there is something I'm doing incorrectly for alchemical
> changes?
> Is there something else I am missing?
> Thanks very much for your help,
> Brian
>;       File
>'ethane_al.top' was generated
>;       By user:
>bstephenson (503)
>;       At date: Sun
>Jul 10 16:46:37 2005
>;       This is your
>topology file
>;       "Shake
>Yourself" (YES)
>; Include forcefield parameters
>#include "ffoplsaa.itp"
>[ atomtypes ]
>charge    ptype
>DUMH    1.008         
>0.0000      A  
>0.0           0.0
>[ bondtypes ]
>DUMH      1       0.070   284512.0
>; H to dummy H using CT to H bond distance and potential
>[ angletypes ]
>  DUMH   HC     
>DUMH      1  
>107.800    276.144   ; CHARMM 22 parameter file
>for HC CT HC used for dumh h dumh interaction
>  CT    
>DUMH      1  
>110.700    313.800   ; CHARMM 22 parameter file
>for CT CT HC used for c h dumh interaction
>[ dihedraltypes ]
>  DUMH 
>HC      CT      HC      3     
>0.00000   0.00000   0.00000 
>0.000000   0.00000   0.00000 ; hydrocarbon *new*
>CT    CT      HC      DUMH   
>3      0.00000   0.00000  
>0.00000  0.000000   0.00000   0.00000 ;
>hydrocarbon all-atom 
>[ moleculetype ]
>; Name           
>[ atoms ]
>;   nr       type  resnr
>residue  atom   cgnr    
>charge       mass 
>typeB    chargeB      massB
>     1  
>opls_135      1   
>ETH    CH1     
>1      -0.18    
>opls_140  0.06    1.008;
>qtot -0.18
>     2  
>opls_140      1   
>ETH   OH11     
>1       0.06     
>DUMH      0.0     1.008;
>qtot -0.12
>     3  
>opls_140      1   
>ETH   OH12     
>1       0.06     
>DUMH      0.0     1.008;
>qtot -0.06
>     4  
>opls_140      1   
>ETH   OH13     
>1       0.06     
>DUMH      0.0     1.008;
>qtot 0
>     5  
>opls_135      1   
>ETH    CAA     
>1      -0.18    
>12.011   ; qtot -0.18
>     6  
>opls_140      1   
>ETH   HAA1     
>1       0.06     
>1.008   ; qtot -0.12
>     7  
>opls_140      1   
>ETH   HAA2     
>1       0.06     
>1.008   ; qtot -0.06
>     8  
>opls_140      1   
>ETH    CH2     
>1       0.06     
>1.008   opls_135  -0.18   12.011; qtot 0
>     9  
>1    ETH   OH21     
>0      1.008  
>opls_140  0.06    1.008;
>qtot 0
>    10  
>1    ETH   OH22     
>0      1.008  
>opls_140  0.06    1.008;
>qtot 0
>    11  
>1    ETH   OH23     
>0      1.008  
>opls_140  0.06    1.008;
>qtot 0
>[ bonds ]
>;  ai    aj
>c2            c3
>    1     2     1 
>    1     3     1 
>    1     4     1 
>    1     5     1 
>    5     6     1 
>    5     7     1 
>    5     8     1 
>    8     9     1 
>    8    10     1 
>    8    11     1 
>[ pairs ]
>;  ai    aj
>c2            c3
>    1     9     1 
>    1    10     1 
>    1    11     1 
>    2     6     1 
>    2     7     1 
>    2     8     1 
>    3     6     1 
>    3     7     1 
>    3     8     1 
>    4     6     1 
>    4     7     1 
>    4     8     1 
>    6     9     1 
>    6    10     1 
>    6    11     1 
>    7     9     1 
>    7    10     1 
>    7    11     1 
>[ angles ]
>;  ai    aj    ak
>c2            c3
>    2     1    
>3     1 
>    2     1    
>4     1 
>    2     1    
>5     1 
>    3     1    
>4     1 
>    3     1    
>5     1 
>    4     1    
>5     1 
>    1     5    
>6     1 
>    1     5    
>7     1 
>    1     5    
>8     1 
>    6     5    
>7     1 
>    6     5    
>8     1 
>    7     5    
>8     1 
>    5     8    
>9     1 
>    5     8   
>10     1 
>    5     8   
>11     1 
>    9     8   
>10     1 
>    9     8   
>11     1 
>   10     8   
>11     1 
>[ dihedrals ]
>;  ai    aj    ak    al
>c4            c5
>    2     1    
>5     6     3 
>    2     1    
>5     7     3 
>    2     1    
>5     8     3 
>    3     1    
>5     6     3 
>    3     1    
>5     7     3 
>    3     1    
>5     8     3 
>    4     1    
>5     6     3 
>    4     1    
>5     7     3 
>    4     1    
>5     8     3 
>    1     5    
>8     9     3 
>    1     5    
>8    10     3 
>    1     5    
>8    11     3 
>    6     5    
>8     9     3 
>    6     5    
>8    10     3 
>    6     5    
>8    11     3 
>    7     5    
>8     9     3 
>    7     5    
>8    10     3 
>    7     5    
>8    11     3 
>; Include Position restraint file
>#ifdef POSRES
>#include "posre.itp"
>; Include water topology
>#include "spc.itp"
>; Position restraint for each water oxygen
>[ position_restraints ]
>;  i funct      
>fcy        fcz
>   1    1      
>1000       1000
>; Include generic topology for ions
>#include "ions.itp"
>[ system ]
>; Name
>[ molecules ]
>; Compound        #mols
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