[gmx-users] hbonds

Christian Schauz schauz at itt.uni-stuttgart.de
Tue Jun 14 11:16:07 CEST 2005

to whom it may concern:

I try to figure out what the right column in the hbdist.xvg file means because 
it seems to be more than just the number of excisting hydrogen bonds at a 
certain distance. I would be very thankful if you could explain to me what 
the numbers in the right column mean.
I tried following runs:
I generated an hbdist file with g_hbond for one mdrun of 5 ps and another one 
of 10 ps. The values in the right column of the hbdist file in the 5 ps run 
were usually higher than those in the 10 ps run - why?

Thank you very much,

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