[gmx-users] installation problem

Mark Abraham Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Tue Nov 1 05:26:35 CET 2005

vincenzo venditti wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to install Gromacs 3.3 on a PC running redhat linux 
> enterprise v4. Then I have downloaded and installed (using "rpm -ivh" 
> command) the files fftw3-3.0.1-4.ppc64.rpm and gromacs3.3-1.ppc64.rpm, 
> but these files install the GROMACS binaries under /usr/bin (instead of 
> /usr/local/bin), libraries in /usr/lib (instead of /usr/local/lib) and 
> all the GROMACS data files in /usr/share/gromacs (instead 
> /usr/local/share/gromacs). After installation the software doesn't work.
> Do you think it is a good solution to use the command line "rpm –ivh 
> –prefix /usr/local gromacs3.3-1.ppc64.rpm"?

The "--prefix /usr/local" solution you suggest looks reasonable enough. 
Depending exactly how the RPMs were built, you may still need to add 
/usr/local/gromacs-xxxx/bin (or whatever is appropriate) to you path. I 
guess that the fact that your path does not include the gromacs 
executables is the reason "the software doesn't work".

I presume you've chosen the PPC64 versions appropriately.


Mark J. Abraham
Ph.D. Scholar
Computational Proteomics and Therapy Design Group
Division of Molecular Bioscience
John Curtin School of Medical Research
Australian National University
Canberra ACT 2601

Ph: 61-(0)2-6125 8305
Email:  Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au

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