[gmx-users] Re: problem while running grompp Pocition restrined dynamics

Yang Ye leafyoung81-group at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 12 12:44:21 CEST 2006

It is not how to increase it but how to avoid it.
Try to have longer equilibration time before production MD.

Yang Ye

santosh naik wrote:
> Warning: 1-4 interaction between 1124 and 1137 at distance 1.973 which
> is larger than the 1-4 table size 1.000 nm
> i got this warning while running the simulation
> how could i increase it
> On 4/12/06, santosh naik <btsanty at gmail.com> wrote:
>> 7/out7.gro is the out put of mdrun i have run for em
>> On 4/12/06, X.Periole <X.Periole at rug.nl> wrote:
>>> Your topology file does not correspond to the coordinate
>>> file. You got to check both of them but the error is
>>> certainly coming from the topology file. Not that you need
>>> to include the ions.itp file after incerting the ions.
>>> It is better to insert the ions in the solvent Temp bath
>>> and not in a separate bath.
>>> Your vdW cutoff is 1.0 nm. This is short if you do not do
>>> it for a particular reason.
>>> You do not use indexes !! grompp does not complain  about
>>> non-defined groups ??
>>> For the last grompp you run you give the 7/out7.gro as
>>> starting configuration (-c option) which does not seem
>>> to be the output of your em !!
>>> Solvating with genion is a new feature of GROMCAS ??? You
>>> meant genbox probably.
>>> XAvier
>>>> hi guys
>>>> i am working with the spider toxin protein and  as
>>>> mentioned early i
>>>> was unable 2 over come this process
>>>> below i have mentioning my problem in detail
>>>> first i take the protein and run the pdb2 gmx command
>>>> under the
>>>> gromacs force field
>>>> pdb2gmx -f spider.pdb -o 1/out1.gro -p 1/out1.top
>>>> then i run the edit conf
>>>> editconf -bt octahedron -f 1/out1.gro -o 2/out2.gro -c
>>>> -d 0.7
>>>> then i solvates the box using genion
>>>> genion -cp 2/out2.gro -cs spc216.gro  -o  3/out3.gro -p
>>>> 1/out1.top
>>>> then i run the grompp for energy minimisation
>>>> using the em.mdp file given below
>>>> title               =  drg_trp
>>>> cpp                 =  /usr/bin/cpp
>>>> define              =  -DFLEX_SPC
>>>> constraints         =  none
>>>> integrator          =  steep
>>>> dt                  =  0.002    ;  ps !
>>>> nsteps              =  500
>>>> nstlist             =  10
>>>> ns_type             =  grid
>>>> rlist               =  0.9
>>>> coulombtype         =  PME ; Use particle-mesh ewald
>>>> rcoulomb            =  0.9
>>>> rvdw                =  1.0
>>>> fourierspacing      =  0.12
>>>> fourier_nx          =  0
>>>> fourier_ny          =  0
>>>> fourier_nz          =  0
>>>> pme_order           =  4
>>>> ewald_rtol          =  le-5
>>>> optimize_fft        =  yes
>>>> ;
>>>> ;      Energy minimizing stuff
>>>> ;
>>>> emtol               = 1000.0
>>>> emstep              =  0.01
>>>> grompp -f em.mdp -c 3/out3.gro -p 1/out1.top -o
>>>> 4/out4.tpr
>>>> here i got one note
>>>> NOTE:
>>>>  System has non-zero total charge: 2.000000e+00
>>>> then i used the genion command
>>>> genion -s 4/out4.tpr -o 5/out5.gro  -nname Cl -nn 2 -g
>>>> 5/out5.log
>>>> now again i run the grompp
>>>> now here i have edited the top file
>>>> i removed 2 water molecule and added 2 cl molecules
>>>> grompp -f em.mdp -c 5/out5.gro -p 1/out1.top -o
>>>> 6/out6.tpr
>>>> then i have run the mdrun
>>>> nohup mdrun -s 6/out6.tpr -o 7/out7.trr -c 7/out7.gro -g
>>>> 7/out7.log -e
>>>> 7/out7.edr &
>>>> then i tried to run the position restrained dynamic so i
>>>> have tried with grompp
>>>> using mdp file given below
>>>> title               =  trp_drg
>>>> warnings            =  10
>>>> cpp                 =  /lib/cpp ; location of cpp on SGI
>>>> define              =  -DPOSRES
>>>> constraints         =  all-bonds
>>>> integrator          =  md
>>>> dt                  =  0.002  ; ps !
>>>> nsteps              =  10000  ; total 20.0 ps.
>>>> nstcomm             =  1
>>>> nstxout             =  250 ; output coordinates every
>>>> 0.5 ps
>>>> nstvout             =  1000 ; output velocities every
>>>> 2.0 ps
>>>> nstfout             =  0
>>>> nstlog              =  10
>>>> nstenergy           =  10
>>>> nstlist             =  10
>>>> ns_type             =  grid
>>>> rlist               =  0.9
>>>> coulombtype         =  PME
>>>> rcoulomb            =  0.9
>>>> rvdw                =  1.0
>>>> fourierspacing     =  0.12
>>>> fourier_nx         =  0
>>>> fourier_ny         =  0
>>>> fourier_nz         =  0
>>>> pme_order          =  6
>>>> ewald_rtol         =  1e-5
>>>> optimize_fft       =  yes
>>>> ; Berendsen temperature coupling is on in four groups
>>>> Tcoupl              =  berendsen
>>>> tau_t               =  0.1       0.1   0.1   0.1
>>>> tc_grps             =  protein   IN4   sol   Cl-
>>>> ref_t               =  300       300   300   300
>>>> ; Pressure coupling is on
>>>> Pcoupl              =  berendsen
>>>> pcoupltype          =  isotropic
>>>> tau_p               =  0.5
>>>> compressibility     =  4.5e-5
>>>> ref_p               =  1.0
>>>> ; Generate velocites is on at 300 K.
>>>> gen_vel             =  yes
>>>> gen_temp            =  300.0
>>>> gen_seed            =  173529
>>>> grompp -f pr.mdp -c 7/out7.gro -p 1/out1.top -o
>>>> 8/out8.tpr
>>>> here i got he error
>>>> Fatal error:
>>>> number of coordinates in coordinate file (7/out7.gro,
>>>> 7485)
>>>>             does not match topology (1/out1.top, 0)
>>>> can any one help me over this issue
>>>> Thanking you
>>>> Santosh Naik
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