[gmx-users] Parralel Gromacs
N.Goga at rug.nl
Thu Apr 20 12:20:34 CEST 2006
Hi everybody,
First let me introduce myself. My name is Nicu Goga and
I am currentely working at the Univeristy of Groningen,
Biomolecular group as a Gromacs developer. I am quite new
into this field. I have some questions related to Gromacs.
Can anyone help me with these questions? I thank you in
1) Is anyone working still on a paralel version of
If yes, please tell me, maybe we can join the efforts.
2) Which things do you think that can be still improved
regarding parallel Gromacs.
3) I installed the last version of Gromacs found on the
webpage (version 3.3.1). Whice are the source files in C
(where I can have a look) where the paralel version of
Gromacs is implemented.
I thank you in advance for your answers.
Best regards
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