[gmx-users] periodic boundary condition

anwar at cdfd.org.in anwar at cdfd.org.in
Mon Aug 21 14:23:11 CEST 2006

Dear users,
I want to apply the periodic boundary condition. So, the following options 
are sufficient or not? 

editconf_d -f xxx.gro -o xxx_box.gro -d 1.0 -c

Or do we also have to give the option -pbc????

Mohd Anwaruddin
Project Assistant
C/o DR.H.A.Nagarajaram
Lab of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Center for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics(CDFD)
Hyderabad-500 076
Tel: +91-8413-235467,68,69,70 ext 2019
anwar.m1 at gmail.com


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