[gmx-users] Multiple chains, cofactors and ligands
Daniela S. Mueller
d.s.mueller at rug.nl
Thu Feb 2 23:52:15 CET 2006
hi yolanda,
don't know if this is the solution, but you might check it:
in the molecules section at the end of the topology file, the molecules
have to be listed in the same order as they occur in the structure file.
hope this helps...
> Dear users,
> I am having a problem with grompp which gives me the following message:
> Fatal error: Invalid order for directive defaults, file
> ""/gromacs-3.2.1/share/top/ffgmx.itp"", line 4
> My simulation details:
> An enzyme with 2 chains, 2 cofactors and 2 ligands in a 115 Angstrom box of SPC
> waters. The total system size is 150872 atoms. Each chain has a separate .itp
> file created with pdb2gmx. Each cofactor and ligand has an .itp file created
> with PRODRG. The files are joined in the following topology file:
> ; Include forcefield parameters
> #include "ffgmx.itp"
> ; Include chain topologies
> #include "chain_A.itp"
> #include "chain_B.itp"
> #include "cofactor_A.itp"
> #include "cofactor_B.itp"
> #include "ligand_A.itp"
> #include "ligand_B.itp"
> #include "Na.itp"
> ; Include water topology
> #include "spc.itp"
> ; Include generic topology for ions
> #include "ions.itp"
> [ system ]
> ; Name
> [ molecules ]
> ; Compound #mols
> Protein_A 1
> Protein_B 1
> SOL 346
> COF_A 1
> COF_B 1
> LIG_A 1
> LIG_B 1
> NA 1
> SOL 47872
> The problem:
> I only get this message when the topology of the cofactor and ligand are
> included. When I run the simulation on the protein chains only without the
> ligand and cofactor, it runs just fine. I double-checked the topology of the
> ligand and cofactor and I don't see any errors. Do I need to change the
> defaults in the following ffgmx.itp file to get this to work???? (The error
> message points to line 4 of this file) If so, what should I change the
> defaults to?
> #define _FF_GROMACS
> #define _FF_GROMACS1
> [ defaults ]
> ; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
> 1 1 no 1.0 1.0
> #include "ffgmxnb.itp"
> #include "ffgmxbon.itp"
> Thanks in advance for your help,
Daniela S. Mueller
Diplom biologist
-Molecular Dynamics Group, UQ -
School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences (SMMS)
Chemistry Building (#68)
University of Queensland
Qld 4072, Brisbane
Phone: +61-7-33653732
Email: d.s.mueller at uq.edu.au
Website: http://ilc00f.facbacs.uq.edu.au/SMMS/a_mark/Front.htm
- MD group, RuG -
Molecular Dynamics
Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Email: d.s.mueller at rug.nl
Website: http://www.rug.nl/gbb/md
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