[gmx-users] box size and pbc
Daniela S. Mueller
d.s.mueller at rug.nl
Thu Feb 9 23:57:01 CET 2006
Mark Abraham wrote:
> Wang Zhun wrote:
>> Editconf command generates a box for further solvation. When
> > no definite box size and type are set, it will constructs a cubic
> > box which might be the smallest to contain the solute, as far as I know.
> > I set -d with 0.6 and full PBC for this box to simulate peptides
> > folding. With VMD I found in one case a peptide moved out of the box
> > while in another MD the two termini of the peptide both stretched out
> > of the box.
> This latter observation could be a problem. Now your termini might be
> closer to the periodic copies of other termini than you would actually
> want. If your termini are zwitterionic, you could be observing them
> attracting each other through space. If so, neutralise each with a
> counter-ion using genion.
if the termini interact through the periodic boundary, the box is
clearly too small. neutralising the termini is just a cosmetic solution,
and maybe you don't want to change your system like that.
>> For the 1st one I think the PBC is ok, but what about the
> > 2nd case if the two termini point to the opposite box sides? It seems
> > there is no post on this editconf option. I know I'd better choose a
> > large dodecahedron box but I just wonder if this box should be ok
> > to perform MD with PBC.
> Larger is probably better, but neither cubic nor dodecahedron of
> comparable size should be a problem.
if your protein expands during the run, you either have to adjust the
system by increasing the box size; or if you can anticipate this, start
with a larger box to begin with.
Daniela S. Mueller
Diplom biologist
-Molecular Dynamics Group, UQ -
School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences (SMMS)
Chemistry Building (#68)
University of Queensland
Qld 4072, Brisbane
Phone: +61-7-33653732
Website: http://ilc00f.facbacs.uq.edu.au/SMMS/a_mark/Front.htm
- MD group, RuG -
Molecular Dynamics
Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Email: d.s.mueller at rug.nl
Website: http://www.rug.nl/gbb/md
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