[gmx-users] Problem with PME
Daniela S. Mueller
D.S.Mueller at rug.nl
Thu Feb 23 04:10:35 CET 2006
hi s.,
as you are using the integrator steep, i assume you are running energy
in that case i suspect that the type of coulomb-interaction model is not
critical, so you can set it to cut-off.
what i have found is that energy minimisation doesn't work with
coulomb-type = (generalised) reaction-field, so it might be the same
case with pme.
@david van der spoel: is this a bug?
best regards and good luck,
On Wed, 2006-02-22 at 12:40 +0530, Srikrishna Sureshkumar wrote:
> Dear All
> I am new user to gromacs and i was trying to use the coloumbtype PME.
> When ever I use this type with the integrator Steep the simulation
> runs for ever. No output is generated it appears like the system is
> being put in the leep mode.
> I am ataching my MDP file. I would like to know if there is any
> correction I could do so that i can do my simulation properly. At the
> same time if I use coloubtype cut-off instaed of PME the simulation
> goes on properly and the only problem is that it does not converge in
> a single run.
> Thanks and Regards
> S. Srikrishna
Daniela S. Mueller
biologist (Diplom, German degree)
- Molecular Dynamics Group, UQ -
School of Molecular and Microbial Sciences (SMMS)
Chemistry Building (#68)
University of Queensland
Qld 4072, Brisbane
Phone: +61-7-33653732
Website: http://ilc00f.facbacs.uq.edu.au/SMMS/a_mark/Front.htm
- MD group, RuG -
Molecular Dynamics
Dept. of Biophysical Chemistry
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 4
9747 AG Groningen
The Netherlands
Website: http://www.rug.nl/gbb/md
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