[gmx-users] still Netiquette on the gromacs user list

paloureiro at biof.ufrj.br paloureiro at biof.ufrj.br
Fri Feb 24 11:21:07 CET 2006


sorry for continuing on this point...
But I entirely agree with Daniela's point of view.
I have been a subscriber of the users list for 3-4 years and have seen several
of what I would also call arrogance and pre-judgement in certain replies.

So I would like to give a "moral support" to this apparently isolated
opinion :-)


Pedro A. Lapido Loureiro

Laboratório de Física Biológica
Instituto de Biofísica

>> >
>> > though it might be unpleasant or even unjustified, frustrated reactions
>> > like these are in a way understandable.
>> >
>> > what i find less understandable and certainly a great deal less
>> > tolerable, is the arrogance and judgement of some users of this list
>> > towards others.
>> >
>> > also it would make helpful responses much likelier, if those unhelpful
>> > responses were omitted.
>> >
>> > regards,
>> > daniela
>> >
>> >

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