[gmx-users] Scripting Analysis tools in tcsh

Olli Lehtonen olehtone at focus.hut.fi
Sun Jul 2 19:16:02 CEST 2006

On Fri, 30 Jun 2006, Arneh Babakhani wrote:

> Hello GMX users,
> (this may be more of a tcsh question, but here goes anyway).
> I'm trying to write a script to go through some trajectories and
> calculate hbonding.  It looks like this:
> #!/bin/tcsh
> foreach number (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)
>         g_hbond -f ../../FullMD/FullMD$number.trr -s
> ../../FullMD/FullMD$number.tpr -num hbnum-all-$number <<+
>  1
>  12
>  +
> end

You are probably having an extra space in front of the latter + sign. Now
+ and end are considered as input for g_hbond.


PS. For general shell script questions a newsgroup like comp.unix.shell is
a good place to keep in mind.

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