[gmx-users] GROMACS on parallelknoppìx

Michael Creel Michael.Creel at uab.es
Mon Jun 19 17:06:37 CEST 2006

I have installed GROMACS compiled with MPI support into the /usr/local 
directory of ParallelKnoppix. ParallelKnoppix is a Knoppix-like CD that can be 
used to set up a Linux cluster in about 5 minutes. I have very little 
experience with GROMACS, but I have run some of the demos, and it looks like a 
good program to  use to demonstrate parallel computing. I just wanted to let 
people know it's available. It is not tested on PK. If anyone tries it out, I'd 
appreciate hearing whether or not it works as expected. PK is available at 
Regards, Michael

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