[gmx-users] errors on carbon nanotube

jackyxh at 163.com jackyxh at 163.com
Sat Jun 24 05:52:44 CEST 2006

Hi,GMX group and other users:
I am a gromacs(version 3.3) user. I want to do carbon nanotube(CNT) MD.
Months ago, when I ran grompp, she told me that something was wrong.
(see http://www.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2006-April/021092.html)
After i got suggestions from GMX group and other users (really thank Bob 
who has given me some importent advices!) and checked almost 
all of the "Mailing lists" about CNT, i began other ways to generate 
my files (.gro .top and so on).
This morning i got the results of my working----ERRORS!
So I type this for help AGAIN.
I will tell what I have done in details, may anyone could give me a hand.
<What i have?> 
a "cnt.pdb" and a "cnt.gro" which i write by myself on the base of "cnt.pdb"
<What i need?>
A stable structure ----"cnt.top"
<What i have tried?>
(A) PRODRG (B) WRITE "cnt.top" MANUALLY  <C> x2top
when i input my cnt.pdb, it told me something like "the atoms C are not in same plane".
so i gave it up.

(B) WRITE "cnt.top" MANUALLY 
After checked most of the "Mailing lists" about CNT, i began my work as follows:
a. write cntbon.itp for c-c bond forcefield of the CNT
b. write cntnb.itp for nonbond forcefield of the CNT
c. write cnt.itp for the CNT molecule structure
d. include files in a. b. c. into "cnt.top"
Am i on the right way? if so, i will show how the files look like,
*****a.  the cntbon.itp
[ bondtypes ]
  ; i   j   func    b0    D     bata
  C   C   3   0.14200     478900     21.867
[ angletypes ]
  ; i    j    k func       th0         cth
    C    C    C    1   120.000     418.400
[ dihedraltypes ]
  ; j    k func      phi0          cp   mult
    C    C    1   180.000       12.060 2
*****b. the cntnb.itp
[ atomtypes ]
;name        mass      charge   ptype            c6           c12
    C    12.01100       0.000       A   0.57353E-02 0.18707E-05
[ nonbond_params ]
  ; i    j func          c6           c12
    C    C    1 0.57353E-02   0.18707E-05
[ pairtypes ]
  ; i    j func         cs6          cs12
    C    C    1 0.57353E-02   0.18707E-05
*****c. cnt.itp
 [ moleculetype ]
; molname nrexcl
CNT  4
[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge       mass
     1         C      1    CNT   C1      0          0         12 
     2         C      1    CNT   C2      1          0         12 
    59         C      1    CNT   C59     58          0         12  
    60         C      1    CNT   C60     59          0         12 
[ bonds ]
; ai aj funct b0 D bata
 1 2 3 0.142 478900 21.867
 1 20 3 0.142 478900 21.867
 2 11 3 0.142 478900 21.867
[ pairs ]
; ai aj funct c6 12
 1 10 1 0 0
 2 3 1 0 0
 4 5 1 0 0
[ angles ]
; ai aj ak funct th0 cth
 1 2 11 1 118.35 418.4
 3 4 13 1 118.35 418.4
 1 20 29 1 120 418.4
 3 12 21 1 120 418.4
[ dihedrals ]
; ai aj ak al funct 
 1 20 19 10 1
 2 11 12 3 1
 4 13 14 5 1
 6 15 16 7 1
*****d. cnt.top
#include "ffgmx.itp"
#include "cntbon.itp"
#include "cntnb.itp"
#include "cnt.itp"
[ system ]
[ molecules ]
;Molecule name Number of molecules
******e. The cnt.gro
 "These are the 005005060 single walled carbon nanotube's xyz by jacky" (jacky allon)
1CNT   C1    1    0.3390   0.0000   0.0000   1   0
1CNT   C10   10   0.2268  -0.2519   0.0000   1   0
1CNT   C11   11   0.2743   0.1993   0.1230   1   0
1CNT   C20   20   0.3316  -0.0705   0.1230   1   0
1CNT   C21   21   0.1048   0.3224   0.2460   1   0
1CNT   C30   30   0.3097   0.1379   0.2460   1   0
1CNT   C31   31  -0.1048   0.3224   0.3689   1   0
1CNT   C40   40   0.1695   0.2936   0.3689   1   0
1CNT   C41   41  -0.2743   0.1993   0.4919   1   0
1CNT   C50   50  -0.0354   0.3371   0.4919   1   0
1CNT   C51   51  -0.3390   0.0000   0.6149   1   0
1CNT   C60   60  -0.2268   0.2519   0.6149   1   0
2.4596   2.4596   2.4596
******f. The em.mdp
; Input file
cpp                 =  /usr/bin/cpp
define              =  -DFLEX_SPC
integrator          =  steep
constraints         =  none
integrator          =  steep
nsteps              =  1000
; Energy minimizing stuff
emtol               =  2000
emstep              =  0.01
nstcomm             =  1
ns_type             =  grid
rlist               =  1.0
rcoulomb            =  1.0
rvdw                =  1.0
Tcoupl              =  no
Pcoupl              =  no
gen_vel             =  no
e. Run the grompp for EM
[root at localhost cnt0621]# grompp -f em.mdp -c cnt.gro -p cnt.top -o
creating statusfile for 1 node...
' for variable integrator, using 'md'
Next time use one of: 'md' 'steep' 'cg' 'bd' 'sd' 'nm' 'l-bfgs' 'tpi'
' for variable ns-type, using 'Grid'
Next time use one of: 'Grid' 'Simple'
' for variable tcoupl, using 'No'
Next time use one of: 'No' 'Berendsen' 'Nose-Hoover' 'yes' 'Andersen' 'Andersen-
' for variable Pcoupl, using 'No'
Next time use one of: 'No' 'Berendsen' 'Parrinello-Rahman' 'Isotropic'
' for variable gen-vel, using 'no'
Next time use one of: 'no' 'yes'
' for variable constraints, using 'none'
Next time use one of: 'none' 'h-bonds' 'all-bonds' 'h-angles' 'all-angles'
Back Off! I just backed up mdout.mdp to ./#mdout.mdp.2#
WARNING 1 [file em.mdp, line unknown]:
  Unknown left-hand 'integrator' in parameter file
checking input for internal consistency...
...ling /usr/bin/cpp
: 没有那个文件或目录/cpp  (No that file or directory /cpp)
cpp exit code: 32512
 5x-60.top > gromppUhFDce' -DFLEX_SPC
' command is defined in the .mdp file
processing topology...
processing coordinates...
Program grompp, VERSION 3.3
Source code file: grompp.c, line: 427
Fatal error:
number of coordinates in coordinate file (5x-60.gro, 60)
             does not match topology (5x-60.top, 0)
"Fly to the Court of England and Unfold" (Macbeth, Act 3, Scene 6, William Shake
>There are two points i cannot understand: 
>1st, when i did not mention"integrator=steep", grompp told me "using 'md'". 
>       why she still showed me the same message when i add "ntegrator=steep"?
>(someone said this may be because grompp did not recognize some format of .mdp file. What's that?)
>2nd,Fatal error:
>       number of coordinates in coordinate file (5x-60.gro, 60)
>       does not match topology (5x-60.top, 0)
>       How could i make some changes to fix this ERROR? i am completely confused here.
<C> x2top
i also tried x2top to generate the .top file. But when i tried x2top: 
[root at localhost cnt0621]# x2top -f cnt.gro -o cnt.top -pbc
 choose 7: [DEPRECATED] Gromacs force field (see manual)
Looking whether force field file ffgmx.rtp exists
Opening library file /usr/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.rtp
Generating bonds from distances...
Opening library file /usr/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.atp
There are 53 type to mass translations
atom 60
Opening library file /usr/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.n2t
There are 23 name to type translations
Program x2top, VERSION 3.3
Source code file: x2top.c, line: 239
Fatal error:
No forcefield type for atom 1 (1) with 1 bonds
>upto this error, i changed the unit of the cnt.gro from nm to Angstrom (should? should not?)
>so that the file looks like
> "These are the 005005060 single walled carbon nanotube's xyz by jacky" (jacky allon)
>1CNT   C1    1    3.390   0.0000   0.0000   1   0
>1CNT   C10   10   2.268  -2.519   0.0000   1   0
>1CNT   C11   11   2.743   1.993   1.230   1   0
>then x2top gave another error as:
>Looking whether force field file ffgmx.rtp exists
>Opening library file /usr/share/gromacs/top/ffgmx.rtp
>Program x2top, VERSION 3.3
>Source code file: confio.c, line: 709
>Fatal error:
>Invalid line in cnt.gro for atom 1:
>1CNT    C2      2       3.097   1.379   0.000
>So, what's that? A format error again or something else? How should i do to fix that?
That's all, i have tried 3 ways, and got more errors!
Can any one help me over these?!
Thanking you!
Jacky Allon
jackyxh at 163.com

If you send me one, I will always Re you three, friendship, help or anything else except emails and money:) ――Jacky Allon
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