[gmx-users] "Cannot allocate memory" by grompp

Sandeep Somani ssomani at umd.edu
Fri Mar 3 17:50:49 CET 2006


I am testing a fresh gmx3.3 installation on a new dual opteron cluster
running redhat linux. 

Did the standard pdb2gmx -> energy minimization -> position restrained (PR)
MD and everything was fine. 

But next when I did grompp for production run, got the following: 
Program grompp_d, VERSION 3.3
Source code file: smalloc.c, line: 113

Fatal error:
calloc for pairs->param (nelem=664225, elsize=152, file topio.c, line 125)

"Is This the Right Room for an Argument ?" (Monty Python)
: Cannot allocate memory

To trouble shoot I tried repeating the successful PR run and strangely
enough got the same error with grompp. 

Suddenly grompp broke down or something went wrong with the cluster here. 

I am clueless. Looking fwd to some pointers .. 


Graduate Student
Gilson Laboratory 
Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology
University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute
9600 Gudelsky Drive
Rockville, MD 20850


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