[gmx-users] 32 bit dual core or 64 bit single core?

Yang Ye leafyoung81-group at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 10 17:36:36 CET 2006

You are comparing two different platform with different CPU and 
architecture, so it is hard to make a direct statement. You need to test 
it out by you.

If comparing same CPU, running both 32bit and 64bit (in the case of AMD 
64bit as well as Intel CPUs with 64bit EMT), they are almost the same, 
because as previously stated, SSE/SSE2 is almost not affected. Eric has 
a post before regarding AMD's 64bit opteron, "not so much". But, to 
date, (dual-core) Opteron is still the best cost effective 
configuration. I do think Intel's 2006Q3's offer of Conroe-based CPU 
will be something better but AMD may have some new that time.

Yang Ye

Beniamino Sciacca wrote:
> thanks for your answer... but in my post i made a mistake: "...or is 
> better an AMD turion 64 (that is single core but work on 64 bit, and 
> gromacs could works on "64" bit)?". so... is gromacs 64 bit on a  64 
> bit processor faster than gromacs 32 bit on 32 bit processor dual core 
> (like centrino duo)?
> thanks
> Beniamino
> Yang Ye wrote:
>> First, running gromacs on laptop is a fast way to kill it. To keep a 
>> laptop CPU running at 100% all time is a challenge even to a  
>> energy-sensitive smart centrino or turion. They simply have no way to 
>> escape. =)
>> Second, because Gromacs' advantage is its assembly loops using 
>> SSE/SSE2, which is not part of x86 instruction. Besides, AMD's 64bit 
>> is fully compatible 32bit software.
>> Dual core shall be better but you need benchmark for it.
>> Yang Ye
>> Beniamino Sciacca wrote:
>>> Hi community!
>>> I'm new on this mailing list, so excuse me if i make some mistakes.
>>> I've to work with Gormacs for the analysis of the interaction of 
>>> some molecules of DNA.
>>> For this purpouse I must buy a notebook; obviously i need a very 
>>> performant computer...I've not much time!
>>> My question is:
>>> is better an intel centrino duo (dual core, but unfortunately works 
>>> only on 32 bit) or is better an AMD turion 64 (that is single core 
>>> but work on 64 bit, and gromacs could works on 32 bit)?
>>> which is more performant with the use of gromacs?
>>> are there some differences?
>>> thanks very much
>>> Beniamino (superbenji83 at yahoo.it)
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