[gmx-users] Speptide - mdrun failed
montserrat.vaque at urv.cat
montserrat.vaque at urv.cat
Tue May 9 09:20:25 CEST 2006
Dear All,
I'm just getting started with GROMACS. I configured and installed fftw-3.0.1 and then I configured, compiled and installed gromacs-3.3.1.tar.gz as INSTALL file showed.
I thought that the installation had been successful and I performed the simulation of the peptide (speptide, the one the example proposed).
I executed:
1) pdb2gmx -f speptide.pdb -p speptide.top -o speptide.gro
2) editconf -f speptide -o -d 0.5
3) genbox -cp out -cs -p speptide -o b4em
4) grompp -v -f em.mdp -c b4em -o em -p speptide
Theses steps didn't give me apparent problems. But when I executed:
mdrun -v -s em -o em -c after_em -g emlog
This message appeared:
mdadm: /dev/md-v not identified in config file.
I don't understand what it means. I would appreciate some suggestions to continue the example. I am not able to find the answer about it.
Thank you for your help in advance.
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