[gmx-users] No default bond,angle,dihedral types

Ioannis Tanis itanis at auth.gr
Thu May 18 17:04:14 CEST 2006

Dear All,

I am planning to simulate a dendrimer molecule using Gromacs.I have successfully
used pdb2gmx in order to obtain .top and .gro files but when i used grompp i got
lots of warning messages like these below:
No default bond types,using zeroes.
No default angle types,using zeroes.
No default R.B types,using zeroes.
I inserted the requested parameters in ffamberGSsbon.itp file but still grompp
terminates becuse of the same reason.Where seems to be the problem?Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.

Yannis Tanis
Department of Chemical Engineering
Aristotle University

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