[gmx-users] about the topology file

Tsjerk Wassenaar tsjerkw at gmail.com
Thu Nov 2 13:02:43 CET 2006

Hi Xiangyang Liu,

You have to check the lines in the top files which are indicated by
the warnings. It seems something goes wrong there, or maybe elsewhere
still, which screws up the top file, making grompp "think" that it
hasn't read any atoms there at all. Just recently the same issue was
reported on the user list, which was caused by an #ifdef statement,
which wasn't closed with #end.

Note, if I understand well, you're using a prodrg created topology. I
believe these are still based on the ffgmx force field, the old gromos
87 force field, which is deprecated and shouldn't be used for
production runs. You have to try to convert your topology to a newer
gromos force field.



On 11/2/06, Xiangyang Liu <shangdongliu at gmail.com> wrote:
> hello Tsjerk:
> Thank you very much! That does work, but another problem appeared as
> following:
> creating statusfile for 1 node...
> checking input for internal consistency...
> calling /lib/cpp...
> processing topology...
> Generated 1284 of the 1485 non-bonded parameter combinations
> WARNING 1 [file " com.top", line 519]:
>   Too few parameters on line (source file toppush.c, line 932)
> WARNING 2 [file "com.top", line 520]:
>   Too few parameters on line (source file toppush.c, line 932)
> processing coordinates...
> Fatal error: number of coordinates in coordinate file (com_wat.gro, 2837)
>              does not match topology (com.top, 0)
> actually i only perform the following:
> editconf –bt cubic –f com.gro –o com_box.gro –d 0.8
> genbox –cp com_box.gro –cs spc216.gro  –p com.top –o com_wat.gro
> grompp –f em.mdp –c com_wat.gro –p com.top –o com_em.tpr
> and my com.gro file was as following:
>    80
>     1DRG  CAH      1  -0.832  -0.624  -0.960
>     1DRG  CAS      2  -0.746  -0.538  -0.867
>     1DRG  CAT      3  -0.710  -0.410  - 0.942
>     1DRG  CBI      4  -0.621  -0.618  -0.830
>     1DRG  CCF      5  -0.555  -0.585  -0.694
>     1DRG  CCG      6  -0.647  -0.615  -0.575
>     1DRG  OCU      7  -0.750  -0.706  -0.587
>     1DRG  OBJ      8  - 0.629  -0.560  -0.467
>     1DRG  NCE      9  -0.506  -0.445  -0.688
>     1DRG  HAG     10  -0.556  -0.385  -0.626
>     1DRG  CCD     11  -0.401  -0.405  -0.761
>     1DRG  OBH     12  -0.345  -0.480  -0.843
>     1DRG  CCC     13  - 0.347  -0.263  -0.745
>     1DRG  CBG     14  -0.439  -0.163  -0.817
>     1DRG  CAQ     15  -0.381  -0.024  -0.851
>     1DRG  CAG     16  -0.248  -0.030  -0.926
>     1DRG  CAR     17  -0.363   0.065  -0.727
>     1DRG  NCB     18  - 0.326  -0.229  -0.603
>     1DRG  HAF     19  -0.405  -0.241  -0.543
>     1DRG  CCA     20  -0.206  -0.185  -0.563
>     1DRG  OBF     21  -0.113  -0.159  -0.640
>     1DRG  CBZ     22  -0.187  -0.168  -0.413
>     1DRG  CBE     23  - 0.126  -0.302  -0.370
>     1DRG  CAO     24  -0.241  -0.394  -0.332
>     1DRG  OAF     25  -0.338  -0.339  -0.274
>     1DRG  OAP     26  -0.230  -0.514  -0.360
>     1DRG  NBY     27  -0.106  -0.046  -0.388
>     1DRG  HAE     28  - 0.084   0.000  -0.473
>     1DRG  CBX     29  -0.062   0.009  -0.273
>     1DRG  OBD     30  -0.012   0.122  -0.272
>     1DRG  CBW     31  -0.067  -0.063  -0.137
>     1DRG  CBC     32   0.078  -0.071  -0.084
>     1DRG  CAN     33   0.164  -0.170  -0.163
>     1DRG  CBB     34   0.089  -0.114   0.063
>     1DRG  NBV     35  -0.154   0.013  -0.045
>     1DRG  HAD     36  -0.131   0.111  -0.043
>     1DRG  CBU     37  -0.254  -0.032   0.032
>     1DRG  OBA     38  - 0.296   0.039   0.123
>     1DRG  CBT     39  -0.315  -0.174   0.014
>     1DRG  CAZ     40  -0.241  -0.277   0.099
>     1DRG  CAL     41  -0.206  -0.403   0.018
>     1DRG  CAE     42  -0.326  -0.495  -0.002
>     1DRG  CAM     43  - 0.094  -0.481   0.088
>     1DRG  NBS     44  -0.452  -0.166   0.069
>     1DRG  HAC     45  -0.449  -0.181   0.167
>     1DRG  CBR     46  -0.575  -0.144   0.017
>     1DRG  OAY     47  -0.666  -0.135   0.100
>     1DRG  CBQ     48  - 0.618  -0.126  -0.131
>     1DRG  CAX     49  -0.520  -0.056  -0.228
>     1DRG  CAJ     50  -0.533   0.096  -0.242
>     1DRG  CAD     51  -0.499   0.173  -0.114
>     1DRG  CAK     52  -0.673   0.137  -0.289
>     1DRG  NBP     53  - 0.666  -0.245  -0.201
>     1DRG  HAB     54  -0.595  -0.302  -0.244
>     1DRG  C       55  -0.797  -0.274  -0.207
>     1DRG  O       56  -0.872  -0.267  -0.109
>     1DRG  CA      57  -0.856  -0.322  -0.340
>     1DRG  CB      58  - 0.777  -0.276  -0.463
>     1DRG  CG      59  -0.821  -0.140  -0.516
>     1DRG  CD      60  -0.725  -0.105  -0.629
>     1DRG  OE2     61  -0.635  -0.023  -0.602
>     1DRG  OE1     62  -0.741  -0.164  -0.738
>     1DRG  N       63  - 0.871  -0.467  -0.358
>     1DRG  HAA     64  -0.795  -0.522  -0.325
>     1DRG  CBL     65  -0.981  -0.519  -0.414
>     1DRG  OAU     66  -1.093  -0.467  -0.410
>     1DRG  CBK     67  -0.968  -0.654  -0.484
>     1DRG  CCT     68  - 0.833  -0.725  -0.469
>     1DRG  CCS     69  -0.860  -0.875  -0.449
>     1DRG  CCR     70  -0.929  -0.913  -0.316
>     1DRG  CCQ     71  -0.842  -0.888  -0.192
>     1DRG  CCP     72  -0.880  -0.760  -0.116
>     1DRG  CCO     73  - 0.763  -0.714  -0.029
>     1DRG  CCN     74  -0.792  -0.577   0.034
>     1DRG  CCM     75  -0.676  -0.523   0.119
>     1DRG  CCL     76  -0.670  -0.578   0.263
>     1DRG  CCK     77  -0.593  -0.710   0.282
>     1DRG  CCJ     78  - 0.440  -0.698   0.279
>     1DRG  CCI     79  -0.385  -0.625   0.402
>     1DRG  CCH     80  -0.232  -0.622   0.401
>    1.51200   1.51200   1.51200
> Thank you very much!
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Tsjerk A. Wassenaar, Ph.D.
NMR, Utrecht University,
Padualaan 8,
3584 CH Utrecht, the Netherlands
P: +31-30-2539931
F: +31-30-2537623

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