[gmx-users] Creation of an index file with seperate lipid leaflets

Alan Dodd anoddlad at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 8 16:15:26 CET 2006

Has anyone already created a way to generate an index
file with the atoms from the two leaflets of a bilayer
listed seperately?  I can't believe it hasn't already
been done, but can't find a direct description of a
solution.  I'm attempting a modification to make_ndx,
(or perhaps something considerably less ambitious,
judging by the way it's going so far) to permit lipid
selection based on headgroup orientation, though I'd
quite like to save myself the effort.
Incidentally, splitres and splitat seem to be the
wrong way around, unless I'm misunderstanding them -
they do the opposite of what they say.  From the
gromacs 3.3.1 source download I did on April of this

Alan Dodd
University of Bristol

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