[gmx-users] spc.itp spc216.top

Michal Walczak meehow.w at gmail.com
Sun Oct 22 14:24:22 CEST 2006

Hello everyone!

I've been doing some gromacs's tutorials and I found difficulties with
files mentioned in my mail's  title . I suppose these're water(or
other solvent) topology files ... I read about them in here:
http://md.chem.rug.nl/education/mdcourse/MDpract.html and I cannot
obtain them. Could anyone send me these files or a link which from I
could download it? Can I use those files either for big proteins or
for 50 aminoacid peptide or for 3 aa peptide? Are those files always
the same?

Best regards,

Michal Walczak

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