[gmx-users] "deprecated"

Bjoern Windshuegel bjorn.windshugel at uku.fi
Wed Sep 13 09:40:48 CEST 2006

Hi all,

usually I'm using the GROMOS96 force field but for some reason I have to 
change to the GROMACS force field.
Maybe its a stupid question but I'd like to know for what the term 
"deprecated" stands for when the list ofavailable force fields is presented 
when using pdb2gmx. According to the dictionary it doesn't sound very 

Best regards,


Björn Windshügel

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
University of Kuopio
Harjulantie 1
70211 Kuopio, FINLAND

Phone: (+358) 17 162463
Fax:   (+358) 17 162456

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