[gmx-users] n-hexadecane simulation

Jae Hyun Park jaepark at uiuc.edu
Mon Sep 18 16:42:37 CEST 2006

Dear all GROMACS users:

I'm simulating n-hexadecane bulk at 300 K using UA model with fixed bond length, harmonic angle potential, and Rychaert-Bellemans torsion model. However, it is so unstable for 2fs time step - The bond length suddenly diverges. The simulation becomes stable for 0.2 fs time step, which seems too small. Could anybody give an instruction for this problem? Followings are my .mdp and topology files.

Thank you in advance for your kind instruction.

title                    = 2*2 pore
cpp                      = /lib/cpp
integrator               = md
dt                       = 0.002
nsteps                   = 6000000
nstcomm                  = 1
nstxout                  = 1000
nstvout                  = 1000
nstfout                  = 1000
nstlog                   = 1000
nstenergy                = 1000
;Output frequency and precision for xtc file =
nstxtcout                = 500
xtc_precision            = 10000
xtc-grps                 = HEX
constraints = all-bonds
constraint_algorithm = lincs
; Selection of energy groups =
energygrps               = HEX
nstlist                  = 10
ns_type                  = grid
pbc                      = xyz
tcoupl                   =  nose-hoover
tc-grps                  =  HEX
tau_t                    =  0.3
ref_t                    =  300.0
rcoulomb                 = 1.49
rlist                    = 1.38
rvdw                     = 1.38

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ; GENERATE VELOCITIES FOR STARTUP RUN =
gen_vel                  = yes
gen_temp                 = 300.0
gen_seed                 = 94729

[ moleculetype ]
; molname       nrexcl
HEX             3
[ atoms ]
;   nr   type  resnr residue  atom   cgnr     charge
     1    CH3      1    HEX    C1      1     0.000
     2    CH2      1    HEX    C2      1     0.000
     3    CH2      1    HEX    C3      1     0.000
     4    CH2      1    HEX    C4      1     0.000
     5    CH2      1    HEX    C5      1     0.000
     6    CH2      1    HEX    C6      1     0.000
     7    CH2      1    HEX    C7      1     0.000
     8    CH2      1    HEX    C8      1     0.000
     9    CH2      1    HEX    C9      1     0.000
    10    CH2      1    HEX    C10     1     0.000
    11    CH2      1    HEX    C11     1     0.000
    12    CH2      1    HEX    C12     1     0.000
    13    CH2      1    HEX    C13     1     0.000
    14    CH2      1    HEX    C14     1     0.000
    15    CH2      1    HEX    C15     1     0.000
    16    CH3      1    HEX    C16     1     0.000
[ constraints ]
    1    2      2   0.153
    2    3      2   0.153
    3    4      2   0.153
    4    5      2   0.153
    5    6      2   0.153
    6    7      2   0.153
    7    8      2   0.153
    8    9      2   0.153
    9   10      2   0.153
   10   11      2   0.153
   11   12      2   0.153
   12   13      2   0.153
   13   14      2   0.153
   14   15      2   0.153
   15   16      2   0.153
[ angles ]
    1    2    3      1  114.0  519.6875
    2    3    4      1  114.0  519.6875
    3    4    5      1  114.0  519.6875
    4    5    6      1  114.0  519.6875
    5    6    7      1  114.0  519.6875
    6    7    8      1  114.0  519.6875
    7    8    9      1  114.0  519.6875
    8    9   10      1  114.0  519.6875
    9   10   11      1  114.0  519.6875
   10   11   12      1  114.0  519.6875
   11   12   13      1  114.0  519.6875
   12   13   14      1  114.0  519.6875
   13   14   15      1  114.0  519.6875
   14   15   16      1  114.0  519.6875
[ dihedrals ]
    1    2    3    4      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    2    3    4    5      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    3    4    5    6      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    4    5    6    7      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    5    6    7    8      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    6    7    8    9      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    7    8    9   10      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    8    9   10   11      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
    9   10   11   12      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
   10   11   12   13      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
   11   12   13   14      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
   12   13   14   15      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0
   13   14   15   16      3  4.1987  8.3936  0.5670  -13.1593  0.0  0.0 
Jae Hyun Park, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
3221 Beckamn Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
405 North Mathews Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
(Tel) 217-244-4353, (FAX) 217-244-4333
(E-mail) jaepark at uiuc.edu

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