[gmx-users] the box margin plot in VMD

Dallas B. Warren Dallas.Warren at vcp.monash.edu.au
Thu Jan 11 00:23:41 CET 2007

You are best off asking this on the VMD emailing list.

However, there isn't a function currently to do that.  Best option that
I have found is a script (available on the VMD website) that draws a box
around the limit of the atoms/molecules within the box.  Which doesn't
do too bad of a job if there is sufficient water in the box to trace out
the limits of it.  Have to make sure that any long chains that protrude
from the box are taken out of the file that you draw the box around.

Catch ya,

Dr. Dallas Warren
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology and Pharmacology
Victorian College of Pharmacy, Monash University
381 Royal Parade, Parkville VIC 3010
dallas.warren at vcp.monash.edu.au
+61 3 9903 9524
When the only tool you own is a hammer, every problem begins to resemble
a nail.

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