[gmx-users] compilation fails on MAC OSX - Leopard
Hadas Leonov
hleonov at cc.huji.ac.il
Thu Nov 15 12:24:21 CET 2007
Hi all,
I am trying to install Gromacs 3.3.2 on the new Leopard Mac OSX. the
OSX was installed anew, and not from an upgrade. Developer tools were
installed too.
I have already compiled and installed lam-7.0.6 and fftw-3.0.1 (single
and double precision) without a problem.
The configure parameters were:
for lam: ./configure --with-fc=/usr/local/bin/gfortran
for fftw (single): ./configure --enable-float --enable-threads --
for fftw (double): ./configure --enable-threads --enable-sse2
For gromacs, the configuration is: ./configure --enable-mpi
when I type make, compilation begins and end with the following lines:
mpicc -I/sw/include -framework Accelerate -o grompp topio.o toppush.o
topcat.o topshake.o convparm.o tomorse.o sorting.o splitter.o
vsite_parm.o readir.o add_par.o topexcl.o toputil.o topdirs.o grompp.o
compute_io.o -L/usr/local/lib ../mdlib/.libs/libmd_mpi.a -L/usr/X11/
lib -L/sw/lib ../gmxlib/.libs/libgmx_mpi.a /usr/local/lib/libfftw3f.a -
lm /usr/X11/lib/libSM.6.0.0.dylib /usr/X11/lib/libICE.6.3.0.dylib /usr/
X11/lib/libX11.6.2.0.dylib /usr/X11/lib/libXau.6.0.0.dylib /usr/X11/
ld: in ../gmxlib/.libs/libgmx_mpi.a(nb_kernel204_ia32_sse.o), in
section __TEXT,__text reloc 1: bad pc-rel vanilla relocation length
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[3]: *** [grompp] Error 1
make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
attached below is configure output for Gromacs.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or has any idea how to deal
with it ?
Thanks in advance,
Hadas Leonov.
hleonov at cc.huji.ac.il
Department of Biological Chemistry
Alexander Silberman institute of Life Sciences
The Hebrew University,
Jerusalem, Israel
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