[gmx-users] Setting up Carbon Nanotube Simulations
Robert Johnson
bobjohnson1981 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 29 16:53:08 CET 2007
Hi Joshua,
Since each carbon-carbon bond is identical, you can just include the
bonded information as a separate .itp file or at the top of your
system .top file. For example, at the top of your .top file you can
include the [ defaults ], [ atomtypes ], [ bondtypes ], [angletypes],
[dihedraltypes], [moleculetypes] before the [ atoms ] section. You can
then include the force field parameters in these sections. Check the
Gromacs manual for the proper syntax. One note of caution. The
function types in the [ bonds ] and [ bondtypes ] sections (same for
angles etc.) must match. Thus, even though you will have the
parameters left blank in the [ bonds ] section, if you are using a
Morse potential you have to make sure that there is a 3 for function
If you opted to use a separate .itp file, you would have to place all
the [ *types ] sections in a separate file. You would then generate
separate .itp files for each molecule you are working with (nanotube
and argon). Then you would have a master topology file .top that
includes all the necessary files and specifies how many of each are in
your system.
All you need to start a Gromacs simulation is an input file (.mdp), a
topology file and a coordinate file. The format of the coordinate file
can be anything (.pdb, .gro, .g96 etc.)
On Nov 29, 2007 2:22 AM, Joshua D. Moore <jdmoore at unity.ncsu.edu> wrote:
> Dear Bob Johnson and other users,
> I am attempting to set up some infinite carbon nanotube simulations. To
> begin, I want to take a single nanotube with some argon inside and try to
> simulate it with GROMACS with PBC in the axial direction (it appears I need
> to use pbc=full).
> So I have a lot of experience with NAMD, but really nothing with GROMACS
> So far I can use x2top to generate a topology file from a pdb
> It seems to work ok as I can make it output all of the dihedrals and seems
> to match up with what I would get with a psf for NAMD.
> I am a bit confused on how to include my forcefield with the simulation and
> to generate the proper *gro file. The x2top generated *top file seems to
> not have the proper mass for Argon and also doesn't include the parameters
> for the forcefield. I attempted to generate my own forcefield files in the
> top directory ( ffCNT.itp, ffCNTnb.itp, etc, etc.). It seems from reading
> the mailing list that I don't need to do this and can just use my pdb file
> and topology file generated from x2top to start the simulation.
> How, then would I include my CNT force field (A morse bond, cosine angle,
> and RB dihedral)? I have created these files already as I stated above.
> Could I just include this as a separate *itp file as the methanol example
> shows? Does this file then override the *top file? So I could include it
> as #include " CNT.itp" or something in the *top file? This is my main
> question. I am also a bit confused on the format of this as I don't really
> have a "molecule" as for methanol, just atoms for the carbon and argon
> atoms.
> Second question (and very naive). Can you start a MD simulation with
> GROMACS without a *gro file and just a *pdb?
> I realize that my message here is a bit naive, so I hoping someone will be
> nice enough to overloook my lack of general knowledge about GROMACS :)
> Thanks
> Joshua Moore
> PS I address Bob Johnson as he seems to be the expert on nanotubes in
> --
> ------------------------------------------------
> Joshua D. Moore
> Graduate Student
> North Carolina State University
> Dept. of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
> Box 7905 Centennial Campus
> Engineering Building I
> 911 Partners Way
> Raleigh, NC 27695-7905
> Phone: (919) 513-2051
> Fax: (919) 513-2470
> Email: jdmoore at unity.ncsu.edu
> ------------------------------------------------
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