[gmx-users] TFE query
Mark Abraham
Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Mon Sep 17 15:05:17 CEST 2007
Dilraj Lama wrote:
> Hello gmx users,
> I have a query and would be greatfull if I could get some
> suggestions on the subject.
> I constructed a "tfe.itp" file with the
> parameters mentioned by Fioroni et. al., J.
> Phys. Chem. B 2000, 104, 12347-12354. I then
> generated a "tfe.gro" file using InisghtII
> molecular modeling package followed by
> genconf.
> I ran a "energy minimization" fand then a 2ns NPT ensemble Molecular
> Dynamics simulation on the system.
Why are you not equilibrating before running a production simulation?
See http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Steps_to_Perform_a_Simulation
> I did not specify "Lincs algorithm" in the parameter file to constrian the
> bonds, rather I used [constraints] for bond distance in the "tfe.itp" file
> itself.
> I tried using tau_p as 1ps to 3 ps, but in doing so, my simulation crashed
> after a certain period with the error message as "high pressure scaling,
> and the failure of the constraint algorithm (either lincs or shake)".
See above.
> So I used tau_p as 4 ps which is the value used for simulation in the
> paper mentioned above.
> The isothermal compressibility for liquid TFE at 298K is 1.22e-4
> The density of TFE at 298K is 1383 Kg/m3.
> These values are mentioned in the paper.
> I then calculated the Properties "Temperature, pressure and density" for
> the simulation using "g_energy".The average vaules for the properties are
> as:
> Temperature: 300.67
> Density: 1402.95
> Pressure: -2.59
> Is the density value reasonable???
No, because of the above.
> Why is the pressure value so different?????
For a 2ns simulation starting from generated velocities this is
surprisingly close to ref_p. See the above, and also
http://wiki.gromacs.org/index.php/Pressure_Coupling for a partial
discussion, and the GROMACS manual for a fuller one.
> I would be very greatfull If I could get some suggestions on the
> parameters and on the values of the properties mentioned.
It sounds like some doing some more background reading and doing some
tutorial material would be helpful to you.
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