[gmx-users] OPLS parametes for cholesterol

Valentin Gogonea v.gogonea at csuohio.edu
Tue Sep 18 15:00:03 CEST 2007

I have one. You have to insert it in the .rtp file and use pdb2gmx. I  
relabeled the atoms. This may be inconvenient if you use a pdb file  
with coordinates for cholesterol.


[ CHL ]
[ atoms ]
     CA    opls_136   -0.120     0
    HA1    opls_140    0.060     0
    HA2    opls_140    0.060     0
     CB    opls_136   -0.120     1
    HB1    opls_140    0.060     1
    HB2    opls_140    0.060     1
     CC    opls_137    0.205     2
     HC    opls_140    0.060     2
      O    opls_154   -0.683     2
      H    opls_155    0.418     2
     CD    opls_136   -0.120     3
    HD1    opls_140    0.060     3
    HD2    opls_140    0.060     3
     CE    opls_141    0.000     3
     CF    opls_142   -0.115     4
     HF    opls_144    0.115     4
     CG    opls_136   -0.120     5
    HG1    opls_140    0.060     5
    HG2    opls_140    0.060     5
     CH    opls_137   -0.060     6
     HH    opls_140    0.060     6
     CI    opls_137   -0.060     7
     HI    opls_140    0.060     7
     CJ    opls_139    0.000     7
     C1    opls_135   -0.180     8
    H11    opls_140    0.060     8
    H12    opls_140    0.060     8
    H13    opls_140    0.060     8
     CK    opls_136   -0.120     9
    HK1    opls_140    0.060     9
    HK2    opls_140    0.060     9
     CL    opls_136   -0.120    10
    HL1    opls_140    0.060    10
    HL2    opls_140    0.060    10
     CM    opls_139    0.000    10
     C2    opls_135   -0.180    11
    H21    opls_140    0.060    11
    H22    opls_140    0.060    11
    H23    opls_140    0.060    11
     CN    opls_137   -0.060    12
     HN    opls_140    0.060    12
     CO    opls_136   -0.120    13
    HO1    opls_140    0.060    13
    HO2    opls_140    0.060    13
     CP    opls_136   -0.120    14
    HP1    opls_140    0.060    14
    HP2    opls_140    0.060    14
     CQ    opls_137   -0.060    15
     HQ    opls_140    0.060    15
     CR    opls_137   -0.060    16
     HR    opls_140    0.060    16
     C3    opls_135   -0.180    17
    H31    opls_140    0.060    17
    H32    opls_140    0.060    17
    H33    opls_140    0.060    17
     CS    opls_136   -0.120    18
    HS1    opls_140    0.060    18
    HS2    opls_140    0.060    18
     CT    opls_136   -0.120    19
    HT1    opls_140    0.060    19
    HT2    opls_140    0.060    19
     CU    opls_136   -0.120    20
    HU1    opls_140    0.060    20
    HU2    opls_140    0.060    20
     CV    opls_137   -0.060    21
     HV    opls_140    0.060    21
     CZ    opls_135   -0.180    22
    HZ1    opls_140    0.060    22
    HZ2    opls_140    0.060    22
    HZ3    opls_140    0.060    22
     C4    opls_135   -0.180    23
    H41    opls_140    0.060    23
    H42    opls_140    0.060    23
    H43    opls_140    0.060    23
[ bonds ]
     CA   HA1
     CA   HA2
     CA    CB
     CA    CJ
     CB   HB1
     CB   HB2
     CB    CC
     CC    HC
     CC     O
     CC    CD
      O     H
     CD   HD1
     CD   HD2
     CD    CE
     CE    CF
     CE    CJ
     CF    HF
     CF    CG
     CG   HG1
     CG   HG2
     CG    CH
     CH    HH
     CH    CI
     CH    CN
     CI    HI
     CI    CJ
     CI    CK
     CJ    C1
     C1   H11
     C1   H12
     C1   H13
     CK   HK1
     CK   HK2
     CK    CL
     CL   HL1
     CL   HL2
     CL    CM
     CM    HM
     CM    CN
     CM    CQ
     CM    C2
     C2   H21
     C2   H22
     C2   H23
     CN    HN
     CN    CO
     CO   HO1
     CO   HO2
     CO    CP
     CP   HP1
     CP   HP2
     CP    CQ
     CQ    HQ
     CQ    CR
     CR    HR
     CR    C3
     C3   H31
     C3   H32
     C3   H33
     CR    CS
     CS   HS1
     CS   HS2
     CS    CT
     CT   HT1
     CT   HT2
     CT    CU
     CU   HU1
     CU   HU2
     CU    CV
     CV    HV
     CV    CZ
     CV    C4
     CZ   HZ1
     CZ   HZ2
     CZ   HZ3
     C4   H41
     C4   H42
     C4   H43
[ dihedrals ]
     HF    CF    CG    CH    CHL_dih_HC_CT_CT_CT
[ impropers ]
     CD    CF    CE    CJ    improper_Z_CA_X_Y
     CE    CG    CF    HF    improper_Z_CA_X_Y

On Sep 18, 2007, at 7:24 AM, Jochen Hub wrote:

> Hi,
> does anyone know if there are is an OPLS topology for cholesterol  
> around.
> Thanks a lot in advance,
> Jochen & Plamen
> -- 
> ************************************************
> Jochen Hub
> Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry
> Computational biomolecular dynamics group
> Am Fassberg 11
> D-37077 Goettingen, Germany
> Email: jhub[at]gwdg.de
> ************************************************
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