[gmx-users] Re: Using Morse potentials with ENCAD force field

Vitaly Chaban chaban at univer.kharkov.ua
Thu Aug 21 15:34:39 CEST 2008

> Actually I think I am using the gromos force field. I have been using
> Christopher Stiles page as a guide to get started with using CNT
> http://cs86.com/CNSE/SWNT.htm. I realize now that all the modifications were
> made to ffgmx files.  So I believe I am using the gromos forcefield. Is the
> forcefield used defined by the parameters? I have added nonbonded parameters
> to ffgmxnb.itp as the following:
> [ nonboned_params ]
>   O    N    1 0.0069        1.4016E-05
>    O    O    1 0.0061        9.9676E-06
>    N    N    1 0.0076        1.8778E-05
>    C    O    1 0.0030        4.7908E-06
>    C    N    1 0.0033        6.5271E-06
> and the same for pairtypes
>  [ pairtypes ]
>    C    N    1  0.0033       6.5271E-06
>    C    O    1  0.0030       4.7908E-06
>    N    N    1  0.0076       1.8778E-05
>    O    O    1  0.0061       9.9676E-06
>    O    N    1  0.0069       1.4016E-05
> I have put just 200 nitrogen molecules in a 24.7nm x 24.7nm x 12.3nm box
> with a 10,10 cnt length 12.3nm.  The nitrogen molecules appear to not even
> interact with the cnt but it still flattens.  Any ideas?


Hi. Sorry for my English, what do you mean saying "cnt flattens"?

Again, is everything right with your box side length. I mean if the
cnt fits in the box (the rim atoms)?

Vitaly V. Chaban
School of Chemistry
National University of Kharkiv
Svoboda sq., 4, Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine
email: chaban at univer.kharkov.ua
skype: vvchaban

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