[gmx-users] Error while running starting grompp and mdrun

Ragothaman Yennamalli ymr79in at yahoo.co.in
Thu May 22 16:35:27 CEST 2008

Dear Mark,
Thanks for the mail.

> Since there's three different usages of -np you'd
> need to be more 
> precise to make a good description of your problem.

I was changing the -np option in mdrun and grompp.
> The symptoms you observe make sense if $NSLOTS==1. Since
> all three -np 
> flags need the same value after them, you should use the
> same variable 
> each time. You should verify that the "echo" line
> tells you that has 
> $NSLOTS==4 like you need.
Yes. I checked by typing echo $NSLOTS and it says 4. So, I changed all the three -np option to -np $NSLOTS..Still the same error. 


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