[gmx-users] free software to save a trajektorie as a movie?

Martin Höfling martin.hoefling at gmx.de
Wed Nov 19 20:46:24 CET 2008

Am Mittwoch, den 19.11.2008, 08:36 -0600 schrieb Pete Meyer:
> One way would be to convert the trajectory to a pdb file, load in  
> pymol and generate a series of png images (one for each state with an  
> appropriate view), then combine the png's with convert (imagemagick)  
> or ffpmeg into a movie.
> Doubtless there's a more elegant way to do it, though.

Yes, e.g  one can load gromacs trajectories directly, when the
vmd-plugins are enabled in pymol (during compilation).


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