[gmx-users] Fatal error: Invalid dihedral type 0

He, Yang yang.he at mavs.uta.edu
Sun Oct 26 01:20:44 CEST 2008

Hi  all users,

I just use the grompp -f att.mdp -c atom_b4em.gro -p hust.top -maxwarn 10 -pp and then always show the :

Fatal error:
Invalid dihedral type 0

and this is my bon.itp file;

[ bondtypes ]
  ; i    j  func        b0          kb
    Ab   SLa  1         0.6430       374468
    Tb   SRa  1         0.4880       502080
    SLa   P   1         0.3559       376560
    SRb   P   1         0.3899       418400
    HW   OW   1         0.10000      418400

[ angletypes ]
  ; i    j    k   func       th0         cth
    Ab   SLa  P     1         94.49       334.72
    Tb   SRa  P     1         112.72      284.51
    SLa   P  SLb    1         94.49       334.72
    SRa   P  SRb    1         94.49       334.72
    HW   OW  HW    1         109.500     502.080

[ dihedraltypes ]
  ; i    l    func     q0          cq
    Ab   SLb   2     0.000       -22.60

[ dihedraltypes ]
;j     k   func     phi0         cp       mult
 SRa   P   1    180.0000       -33.42    2

I have tried  but it did not  work .

Can anyone of you give me some suggestions about that/

Thank you in advance.


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