[gmx-users] Possible bug in parallelization, PME or load-balancing on Gromacs 4.0_rc1 ??

Bjørn Steen Sæthre st01397 at student.uib.no
Tue Sep 30 18:22:44 CEST 2008

I have some (hopefully) clarifying commments to my previous post now:

First to answer your question regarding pme.c. My compilation was done  
from v. 1.125
Line 1037-
     if ((kx>0) || (ky>0)) {
                 kzstart = 0;
             } else {
                 kzstart = 1;
As you can see the p0++; line is there.

Now here are some additional points:

On Mon, 29 Sep 2008, Bjørn Steen Sæthre wrote:

> The only Error message I can find is the rather cryptic::
> NOTE: Turning on dynamic load balancing
> _pmii_daemon(SIGCHLD): PE 4 exit signal Killed
> [NID 1412]Apid 159787: initiated application termination
> There are no error's apart from that.

> Furthermore I can now report that this error is endemic in all my sims
> using harmonic position restraints in GROMACS 4.0_beta1 and GMX
> 4.0_rc1.
> About core dumps. I will talk to our HPC staff, and get back to you with
> something more substantial I hope.

OK, I have gotten some info from our HPC staff, they checked another job of
mine which crashed in the exact same fashion, with the exact same starting
run-topology and node configuration.
They found some more info in the admin's log:

> Hi,
> this job got an OOM (out of memory), which is only recorded in the
> system logs, not available directly to users:

> [2008-09-29 17:18:18][c11-0c0s1n0]Out of memory: Killed process 8888
> (parmdrun).

I can also add that I have been able to stabilize the engine, by altering the
cut-offs and lowering the total PME-load of the run, at the expense of far
greater computational inefficiency.

That is I went from unstable < to stable > as in the following diff on  
the mdp-files:
< rlist                    = 0.9
> rlist                    = 1.0
< rcoulomb                 = 0.9
> rcoulomb                 = 1.0
< rvdw                     = 0.9
> rvdw                     = 1.0
< fourier_nx             = 60
< fourier_ny             = 40
< fourier_nz             = 40
> fourier_nx             = 48
> fourier_ny             = 32
> fourier_nz             = 32
That is, the  PME-workload went from 1/2 of nodes to 1/3 of them since I was
using exactly the same startup configuration ---------------------

This however, while enhancing stability, the output rate slowed down
appreciably. And as shown in the log output, the reason is clear:
Making 2D domain decomposition 8 x 4 x 1
starting mdrun 'Propane-hydrate prism (2x2x3 UC)'
2000000 steps,   4000.0 ps.
Step 726095: Run time exceeded 3.960 hours, will terminate the run

Step 726100: Run time exceeded 3.960 hours, will terminate the run

  Average load imbalance: 26.7 %
  Part of the total run time spent waiting due to load imbalance: 1.5 %
  Average PME mesh/force load: 9.369
  Part of the total run time spent waiting due to PP/PME imbalance: 57.5 %

NOTE: 57.5 % performance was lost because the PME nodes
       had more work to do than the PP nodes.
       You might want to increase the number of PME nodes
       or increase the cut-off and the grid spacing.

         Parallel run - timing based on wallclock.

                NODE (s)   Real (s)      (%)
        Time:   5703.000   5703.000    100.0
                (Mnbf/s)   (GFlops)   (ns/day)  (hour/ns)
Performance:     29.593      8.566     60.600      0.396

gcq#0: Thanx for Using GROMACS - Have a Nice Day

One thing more is odd here though.
In the startup script I allocated 4 hours, and set -maxh 4:

#PBS -l walltime=4:00:00,mppwidth=48,mppnppn=4
cd /work/bjornss/pmf/structII/hydrate_annealing/heatup_400K_2nd
source $HOME/gmx_latest_290908/bin/GMXRC
aprun -n 48 parmdrun -s topol.tpr -maxh 4 -npme 16
exit $?

why the wallclock inconsistency (ie. wallclock is 1:35:03 which does not
correspond to the note of 3.96 hours exceeded.)

I hope this is helpful in resolving the issue brought up originally. (Might
there be a possible memory leak somewhere?)


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