[gmx-users] Identical energies generated in a rerun calculation ... but ...
Mark Abraham
Mark.Abraham at anu.edu.au
Sat Apr 25 08:55:51 CEST 2009
Mark Abraham wrote:
> Berk Hess wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I think you can replace all state-> by state_global-> within { } after
>> the if statement
>> on line 929 of md.c.
>> Then I think it should work for serial, PD and DD.
>> Mark, could you test if this works and report back?
> Thanks for the prompt response.
> I had tried something equivalent to this earlier, and kept getting the
> same segfault. I now see why... state_global is only allocated on
> DDMASTER(cr) (or some such), so we need a slightly more cunning
> solution. I'll figure it out tomorrow.
OK I have a complete fix. Under DD, non-DDMASTER processes should skip
this step copying data structures from rerun_fr to state_global. The
sizes of the various loop copies should be state_global->natoms, not
mdatoms->nr (which is smaller than state_global->natoms under DD, but
equal under other conditions). So attached is a patchfile to be applied
from src/kernel with
patch md.c < dd_mdrun.patch
I tested single-processor with and without mpi, four processors with DD
and no separate PME nodes, four processors with PD, and 16 processors
with DD and 5 PME nodes and got agreement between the leading
significant figures reported in the .log file for all cases compared
with single-processor plain 4.0.4.
I had a quick look at CVS releases-4.0-patches and since this bit of
do_md() looks the same, this patch can probably be applied there and/or
to the head 4.1 branch painlessly.
I will attach this patchfile to the bugzilla.
Before a release of 4.0.5 or 4.1, normal users should do "mdrun -rerun
-pd", unless they're confident with applying this patch!
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