[gmx-users] Software Raid and low GROMACS performance

Alexandre Suman de Araujo asaraujo at if.sc.usp.br
Tue Jan 20 20:07:39 CET 2009

Hi all.

I have two machines with Intel Quad Core processors and Intel 
motherboards. In the first one I'm running Open Suse with normal 
partition scheme. In the second I'm running Ubuntu 8.04 with software 

Running a simulations in parallel (4 process, one for each core) in the 
first computer I have a scaling of almost 100%. The same simulation in 
the second computer gives me a very worst scaling.

Is it possible that the software RAID is the responsible for this lost 
in GROMACS performance? Does anybody have experience with this?


Alexandre Suman de Araujo                                    *
Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas de Ribeirão Preto        *
Universidade de São Paulo                                    *
Dep. de Física e Química                                     *
Grupo de Física Biológica     * e-mail: asaraujo at fcfrp.usp.br*
Av. do Café, s/n°             * e-mail: ale.suman at gmail.com  *
CEP: 14040-903                * Phone: +55 (16) 3602-4172    *
Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brasil    * Phone: +55 (16) 3602-4222    *

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