[gmx-users] pdb2gmx adding a residue to the .rtp file

David van der Spoel spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se
Wed Jul 8 20:07:53 CEST 2009

Jennifer Williams wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to use the pdb2gmx to generate a .top file from my .pdb.
> I am getting the following error?.
> All occupancies are one
> Opening library file /home/jwillia4/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffoplsaa.atp
> Atomtype 1
> Reading residue database... (ffoplsaa)
> Opening library file /home/jwillia4/gromacs/share/gromacs/top/ffoplsaa.rtp
> Residue 56
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Program pdb2gmx, VERSION 4.0.5
> Source code file: resall.c, line: 138
> Fatal error:
> Atom type opls_23 (residue MCM) not found in atomtype database
> As my residue is not already present I have added the following to the 
> end of the ffoplsaa.rtp file
> [ MCM ]
>  [ atoms ]
>     OH    opls_23    -0.70      1
>     HO    opls_24     0.435     1
>     SI       SI       0.832     1
>     OS    opls_62    -0.400     1
>  [ bonds ]
>     SI    OS
>     SI    OH
>     OH    HO
>  [ dihedrals ]
>     OS    SI    OH    HO
>     SI    OS    SI    OS
>     SI    OS    SI    OH
>     OH    SI    OH    HO
> The following is already present in the ffoplsaabon.itp file (standard 
> version);
> ; This bit added by DvdS for quartz simulation 2005-05-07
> ; These parameters are taken from GROMOS and were also used in
> ; Wensink et al. Langmuir 16 (2000) pp. 7392-7400
> ;
> [ bondtypes ]
> ; i    j  func       b0          kb
>   SI    OS      1    0.16300     251040.  ; From GROMACS
>   SI    OH      1    0.16300     251040.  ;
> [ angletypes ]
> ;  i    j    k  func       th0       cth
>    SI   OS   SI    1   155.000     397.480
>    OS   SI   OS    1   109.500     397.480
>    OH   SI   OS    1   109.500     397.480
>    SI   OH   HO    1   109.500     397.480
> [ dihedraltypes ]
> ;  i    j    k    l   func     coefficients
> ; Added DvdS for Quartz simulations
>    SI   OS    1     0.000       3.766      3
>    SI   OH    1     0.000       3.766      3
> And the entries in the .atp file which I am getting the error message 
> about are already there (they are in the standard version-I didn?t need 
> to add them myself). So I can?t figure out why they are not being read.
> I also tried adding the name of my residue (MCM) to aminoacids.dat and 
> incrementing the count at the top.
> Do I need to make any other changes?
> Thanks
It looks fine. In theory you might want to edit the hdb file as wel if 
you want to automatically add H, but I presume you have them already in 
which case it is not necessary.

Which gromacs version are you using?

David van der Spoel, Ph.D., Professor of Biology
Molec. Biophys. group, Dept. of Cell & Molec. Biol., Uppsala University.
Box 596, 75124 Uppsala, Sweden. Phone:	+46184714205. Fax: +4618511755.
spoel at xray.bmc.uu.se	spoel at gromacs.org   http://folding.bmc.uu.se

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