[gmx-users] mailing list search

ms devicerandom at gmail.com
Thu Oct 8 14:46:26 CEST 2009

Justin A. Lemkul ha scritto:
> ms wrote:
>> Justin A. Lemkul ha scritto:
>>>>>> Google cache and the PDF manual are my friends, but any hint on
>>>>>> where to
>>>>>> retrieve the pages that are still linked as being on the old wiki is
>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>> The old wiki has been taken down.  You can search the Gromacs site
>>>>> (not
>>>>> the mailing list) for relevant content, until all the links are
>>>>> working.  There has been some discussion about this lately; it will
>>>>> be a
>>>>> very time-consuming task.
>>>> Searching I tried, but it seems it led almost always to blank pages. I
>>>> will try now, maybe it was the same bug of the mailing list search.
>>> Some pages simply may not exist, depending on what you're looking for.
>> Ouch.
>> Well, I'd like to help with fixing the links whenever I find a broken
>> one, but it seems I can't edit. :)
> You have to register as a contributer and log in (top right of the
> Gromacs page).

I registered yesterday and I am logged in, but perhaps I am not
registered "as contributor"...

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