[gmx-users] Lateral pressure profile in membrane simulations

George Khelashvili gek2009 at med.cornell.edu
Mon Apr 12 02:41:20 CEST 2010

Dear users,

I am attempting to perform 3D pressure tensor calculation on 
well-converged all-atom lipid bilayer. I am using modified gromacs and 
-rerun option and analyze the output with the tools that is provided on 
Martini website. I had following question: I have a production 
trajectory from original MD calculations, and I also have separate 
snapshots saved once in 100ps. As I understand, for pressure 
calculations I need to use -rerun on separate snapshots. Is this the 
case? If so, I would get as an output bunch of local_pressure.dat files. 
How do I analyze them? One by one? I would greatly appreciate if 
somebody can describe the sequence of events that I need to go through 
in order to obtain pressure profiles.

Thank you for you assistance,


George Khelashvili, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
1300 York Avenue, Room LC501
New York, NY, 10065, USA
e-mail: gek2009 at med.cornell.edu
phone:  1-212-746-6539
fax:    1-212-746-6226

Martti Louhivuori wrote:
> On 8 Apr 2010, at 00:45, Fernando E. Herrera wrote:
>> I am doing some molecular dynamics simulations of membrane systems 
>> and i would like to ask you if someone know or have a code for the 
>> calculation of the lateral pressure profile  from the data obtained 
>> doing  membrane simulations.
> You can find everything you need from here:
> http://www.cgmartini.nl/index.php/tools/114-3d-pf
> It is a custom version of Gromacs that calculates a 3D pressure field 
> using the -rerun option of mdrun, as explained in Ollila et al. (2009) 
> PhysRevLett 102: 078101. Before you do the rerun, you need to redo 
> grompp with 'userreal1' set to the desired grid size. The analysis 
> tools there can then be used to calculate e.g. a lateral pressure 
> profile... Note that constraints are a bit problematic, though, so if 
> your lipids have constraints, the profile may not be accurate.
> Best regards,
> -martti-
> -- 
> Post-doctoral research fellow
> Moleculaire Dynamica
> University of Groningen
> Nijenborgh 4, 9747AG Groningen, the Netherlands
> tel. +(31) 50 363 4339 | fax. +(31) 50 363 4398

George Khelashvili, Ph.D.
Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Weill Medical College of Cornell University
1300 York Avenue, Room LC501
New York, NY, 10065, USA
e-mail: gek2009 at med.cornell.edu
phone:  1-212-746-6539
fax:    1-212-746-6226

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