[gmx-users] Postdoctoral position in BCAM

Elena Akhmatskaya akhmatskaya at bcamath.org
Wed Apr 21 19:56:32 CEST 2010

Dear All, 


Since in my group we are using intensively GROMACS code and its
modifications, I think that this would be a right place to advertise a new
opening in the Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM) in the Hybrid
Monte Carlo (HMC) simulations group

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More specifically, we are seeking applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship
position to work on efficient implementations of mathematical methods on HPC
computers and their applications in simulation of complex systems (e.g.
polymers, biological systems). The successful candidate will collaborate
with research teams across Europe (Spain, UK, Germany) and the world

The applicant must posses a Ph.D. in applied math / computer science /
computational physics / computational chemistry / computational biology, or
other relevant disciplines. Experience in numerical analysis and in
developing scientific software under Unix or Linux using Fortran, C and C++
as well as knowledge of programming techniques (MPI and OpenMP) for parallel
computers are required. Specific GROMACS experience would be especially

Research experience in molecular dynamics, Monte Carlo simulation, classical
statistical mechanics is highly desirable. 


Applicants must apply online:

but the questions can be addressed to me: 

 <mailto:Akhmatskaya at bcamath.org> Akhmatskaya at bcamath.org






Elena Akhmatskaya

Ikerbasque Fellow (on leave from Fujitsu Laboratories of Europe, UK)
BCAM - Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 500
E-48160 Derio - Spain
Tel. +34 946 567 849 <mailto:perez at bcamath.org> 

akhmatskaya at bcamath.org | www.bcamath.org <http://www.bcamath.org/perez> 


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