[gmx-users] Reordering of water molecules with Na+ ions coordinates in xtc file

leila karami karami.leila1 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 30 17:15:05 CET 2010

Dear gromacs users

My simulation system contains protein, dna, water molecules and Na+
ions respectively.

I want to reorder water molecules with Na+ ions in final xtc file as

at first

1-1867                       complex (protein and dna)
1868 - 24085              SOL (water molecules)
24086 - 24099            Na+ (ions)

after reordering

1-1867                       complex (protein and dna)
1868 -1881                 Na+ (ions)
1882 - 24099              SOL (water molecules)

How to do that?

I need to this reordering to obtain amber trajectory file (mdcrd) by VMD.

any help and suggestion will highly appreciated.


Leila Karami
Ph.D. student of Physical Chemistry
K.N. Toosi University of Technology
Theoretical Physical Chemistry Group

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