[gmx-users] Charge grps and cut-off

Sai Pooja saipooja at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 13:52:19 CEST 2010

If gromacs assumes the aminoacid residues as charge groups by default then I
have many residues which have 12 atoms since I am using an all-atom force
field-charmm27(counting H).

Is there a way to define charge groups?

On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:41 AM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu> wrote:

> Sai Pooja wrote:
>> Thanks Justin. How about note 3?
>> The largest charge group contains 12 atoms.
>>  Since atoms only see each other when the centers of geometry of the
>> charge
>>  groups they belong to are within the cut-off distance, too large charge
>>  groups can lead to serious cut-off artifacts.
>>  For efficiency and accuracy, charge group should consist of a few atoms.
>>  For all-atom force fields use: CH3, CH2, CH, NH2, NH, OH, CO2, CO, etc.
>> This note reappears no matter what the parameter file has. Does this mean
>> I need to make changes in my top file or define charge groups?
> Yes, something is wrong with the topology.  You have a charge group that is
> likely unacceptably large.
> -Justin
>  Pooja
>> On Sat, Jul 17, 2010 at 7:25 AM, Justin A. Lemkul <jalemkul at vt.edu<mailto:
>> jalemkul at vt.edu>> wrote:
>>    Sai Pooja wrote:
>>        Hi,
>>        This is the .mdp file that produces notes-3 and 4. However, the
>>        previous md file produces note-3.
>>        integrator               = md
>>        dt                       = 0.002
>>        nsteps                   = 5000000
>>        nstxout                  = 0                    ; No output,
>>        except for last frame (coordinates)
>>        nstvout                  = 0                    ; No output,
>>        except for last frame (velocities)
>>        nstfout                  = 0                    ; No output,
>>        except for last frame (forces)
>>        nstlog                   = 500000                ; Write every
>>        step to the log
>>        nstenergy                = 500000                    ; Write
>>        energies at every step
>>        xtc_grps                 = Protein
>>        nstxtcout                = 500000                    ; Do not
>>        write a compressed trajectory
>>        energygrps               = Protein Non-Protein  ; Write energy
>>        information separately for these groups
>>        nstlist                  = 5
>>        ns-type                  = Grid
>>        pbc                      = xyz
>>        rlist                    = 2.0
>>        coulombtype              = Reaction-field-zero
>>        rcoulomb                 = 1.8
>>        epsilon_rf               = 0
>>        vdw-type                 = Switch
>>        rvdw                     = 2.0
>>        rvdw-switch              = 1.6
>>    Well, here's the problem.  Read about proper usage of the switch
>>    function, especially the note about the size of rlist:
>>    http://manual.gromacs.org/current/online/mdp_opt.html#vdw
>>    -Justin
>>        ; Spacing for the PME/PPPM FFT
>>        fourierspacing           = 0.12
>>        ; FFT grid size, when a value is 0 fourierspacing will be used =
>>        fourier_nx               = 0
>>        fourier_ny               = 0
>>        fourier_nz               = 0
>>        ; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters =
>>        pme_order                = 4
>>        ewald_rtol               = 1e-05
>>        epsilon_surface          = 0
>>        optimize_fft             = no
>>        ; Temperature coupling
>>        tcoupl                   = nose-hoover
>>        tc-grps                  = Protein  Non-Protein
>>        tau_t                    = 0.2      0.2
>>        ref_t                    = 300      300
>>        ; Pressure coupling     pcoupl                   = no
>>        ; OPTIONS FOR BONDS   constraints              = all-bonds
>>         constraint-algorithm     = SHAKE
>>        shake_tol                = 0.0001
>>        Pooja
>>        On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Justin A. Lemkul
>>        <jalemkul at vt.edu <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>
>>        <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>>> wrote:
>>           Sai Pooja wrote:
>>               Hi,
>>               I am trying to reproduce results from a paper which uses
>> this
>>               cutoff. The work is on loop-folding and they use implicit
>>               solvent. I am using explicit solvent with charmm 27.
>>        Below is my
>>               mdp file. I am not sure if there is any advantage in using a
>>               large cut-off.
>>           Large cutoffs can cause artifacts.  This .mdp file also does not
>>           match the error message you quoted before.  If it is indeed
>>           accurate, then it looks like your .mdp file is being interpreted
>>           incorrectly (2.0-nm cutoffs instead of 1.8 nm). If there is a
>>           misinterpretation, file a bugzilla.  If you've simply posted the
>>           wrong file, please post the correct file, if necessary.  But I'd
>>           suggest you do some homework about the effects of long cutoffs,
>>           especially if they deviate from what the force field derivation
>>           requires.
>>           -Justin
>>               title                    = NVT simulation (constant number,
>>               pressure and temperature)
>>               cpp                      = /lib/cpp
>>               define                   =-DPOSRES
>>               ; RUN CONTROL PARAMETERS
>>               integrator               = md
>>               dt                       = 0.002
>>               nsteps                   = 100000
>>               ; OUTPUT CONTROL OPTIONS
>>               nstxout                  = 10000
>>               nstvout                  = 0
>>               nstfout                  = 0
>>               nstlog                   = 10000
>>               nstenergy                = 10000
>>               nstxtcout                = 0
>>               xtc_precision            = 0
>>               xtc-grps                 = System
>>               energygrps               = Protein Non-Protein
>>               nstlist                  = 5
>>               ns-type                  = Grid
>>               pbc                      = xyz
>>               rlist                    = 1.8
>>               coulombtype              = PME
>>               fourierspacing           = 0.12
>>               rcoulomb                 = 1.8
>>               epsilon_rf               = 78
>>               vdw-type                 = Cut-off
>>               rvdw                     = 1.8
>>               ; FFT grid size, when a value is 0 fourierspacing will be
>>        used =
>>               fourier_nx               = 0
>>               fourier_ny               = 0
>>               fourier_nz               = 0
>>               ; EWALD/PME/PPPM parameters =
>>               pme_order                = 4
>>               ewald_rtol               = 1e-05
>>               epsilon_surface          = 0
>>               optimize_fft             = no
>>               ; Temperature coupling  Tcoupl                   = Berendsen
>>               tc-grps                  = Protein  Non-Protein
>>               tau_t                    = 0.2      0.2
>>               ref_t                    = 300      300
>>               ; Pressure coupling     Pcoupl                   = Berendsen
>>               Pcoupltype               = Isotropic
>>               tau_p                    = 1.0
>>               compressibility          = 4.5e-5
>>               ref_p                    = 1.0
>>               gen_vel                  = no    ; Assign velocities to
>>               particles by taking them randomly from a Maxwell
>> distribution
>>               gen_temp                 = 300.0  ; Temperature to generate
>>               corresponding Maxwell distribution
>>               gen_seed                 = 9999   ; Seed for (semi) random
>>               number generation.
>>               ; OPTIONS constraints              = all-bonds
>>               Pooja
>>               On Fri, Jul 16, 2010 at 8:22 PM, Justin A. Lemkul
>>               <jalemkul at vt.edu <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>
>>        <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>>
>>               <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>
>>        <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu <mailto:jalemkul at vt.edu>>>> wrote:
>>                  Sai Pooja wrote:
>>                      Hi,
>>                      I am getting these notes when I run grompp:
>>                      NOTE 3 [file Init/ffsb_init.top]:
>>                       The largest charge group contains 12 atoms.
>>                       Since atoms only see each other when the centers of
>>               geometry of
>>                      the charge
>>                       groups they belong to are within the cut-off
>>        distance, too
>>                      large charge
>>                       groups can lead to serious cut-off artifacts.
>>                       For efficiency and accuracy, charge group should
>>        consist
>>               of a
>>                      few atoms.
>>                       For all-atom force fields use: CH3, CH2, CH, NH2,
>> NH,
>>               OH, CO2,
>>                      CO, etc.
>>                      initialising group options...
>>                      processing index file...
>>                      Analysing residue names:
>>                      There are:  3484      OTHER residues
>>                      There are:    67    PROTEIN residues
>>                      There are:     0        DNA residues
>>                      There are:     0        RNA residues
>>                      Analysing Protein...
>>                      Analysing Other...
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for Acceleration
>>        containing 11343
>>               elements
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for Freeze containing
>>        11343 elements
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for VCM containing 11343
>>        elements
>>                      Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group
>>        Protein
>>               is 1777.76
>>                      Number of degrees of freedom in T-Coupling group
>>               non-Protein is
>>                      20898.23
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for User1 containing 11343
>>        elements
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for User2 containing 11343
>>        elements
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for XTC containing 10450
>>        elements
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for Or. Res. Fit
>>        containing 11343
>>               elements
>>                      Making dummy/rest group for QMMM containing 11343
>>        elements
>>                      T-Coupling       has 2 element(s): Protein
>> non-Protein
>>                      Energy Mon.      has 2 element(s): Protein
>> non-Protein
>>                      Acceleration     has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      Freeze           has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      User1            has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      User2            has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      VCM              has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      XTC              has 2 element(s): Protein rest
>>                      Or. Res. Fit     has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      QMMM             has 1 element(s): rest
>>                      Checking consistency between energy and charge
>>        groups...
>>                      Largest charge group radii for Van der Waals:
>>        0.288, 0.263 nm
>>                      Largest charge group radii for Coulomb:
>>  0.288, 0.263 nm
>>                      NOTE 4 [file nvtp.mdp]:
>>                       The sum of the two largest charge group radii
>>        (0.551009) is
>>                      larger than
>>                       rlist (2.000000) - rvdw (2.000000)
>>                      Can someone tell me how to correct these?
>>                  Note 3 is explained in detail in the error message.
>>         Beyond that,
>>                  read about the group concept in the manual.
>>                  I've never seen Note 4 before, but a 2-nm cutoff is a
>>        bit strange
>>                  for a protein simulation.  Any reason you're using
>>        such large
>>                  cutoffs?  You may also want to provide your whole .mdp
>>        file
>>               to see
>>                  if anyone can spot the underlying issue.
>>                  -Justin
>>                  --     ========================================
>>                  Justin A. Lemkul
>>                  Ph.D. Candidate
>>                  ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>                  MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>                  Department of Biochemistry
>>                  Virginia Tech
>>                  Blacksburg, VA
>>                  jalemkul[at]vt.edu <http://vt.edu> <http://vt.edu>
>>        <http://vt.edu> | (540)
>>               231-9080
>>                  http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
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>>               --         Quaerendo Invenietis-Seek and you shall discover.
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>>           Justin A. Lemkul
>>           Ph.D. Candidate
>>           ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>           MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>           Department of Biochemistry
>>           Virginia Tech
>>           Blacksburg, VA
>>           jalemkul[at]vt.edu <http://vt.edu> <http://vt.edu> | (540)
>>        231-9080
>>           http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
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>>        --         Quaerendo Invenietis-Seek and you shall discover.
>>    --     ========================================
>>    Justin A. Lemkul
>>    Ph.D. Candidate
>>    ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
>>    MILES-IGERT Trainee
>>    Department of Biochemistry
>>    Virginia Tech
>>    Blacksburg, VA
>>    jalemkul[at]vt.edu <http://vt.edu> | (540) 231-9080
>>    http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
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>> Quaerendo Invenietis-Seek and you shall discover.
> --
> ========================================
> Justin A. Lemkul
> Ph.D. Candidate
> ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
> Department of Biochemistry
> Virginia Tech
> Blacksburg, VA
> jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
> http://www.bevanlab.biochem.vt.edu/Pages/Personal/justin
> ========================================
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Quaerendo Invenietis-Seek and you shall discover.
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