[gmx-users] Entropy from NMA

Ran Friedman r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch
Wed Jul 28 15:12:42 CEST 2010

Dear Rui,

Thanks for the info - maybe it's better to submit a bugzilla for the NMA
in parallel then, do I'm not sure if this can be checked on run-time
with mdrun. From Nahren's description I understood that multiples files
were generated and assumed that they were backups (as if you run
identical MD multiple times with the same input and files).


J. Rui Rodrigues wrote:
> Dear Ran and Nahren,
> I run into a similar problem a couple of weeks ago:
> http://lists.gromacs.org/pipermail/gmx-users/2010-July/052377.html
> In short,
> "integrator =  steep " can be run in parallel. Output from parallel and 
> single-node are equal.
> "integrator =  l-bfgs" runs only in single-node, as advertised in the 
> manual. mdrun dies with a fatal error if one tries to run in parallel:
> Fatal error: Cannot do parallel L-BFGS Minimization - yet.
> "integrator = nm" runs in parallel without any error. However, output 
> is wrong: mdrun write multiple hessian.mtx files, each with small size.
> mdrun seems to get in to some kind of race condition, because sometimes
> only one  .mtx is produced (still, with small size). Running g_nmeig in these
> "parallel"  mtx results in huge all-negative eigenvalues.
> The same input in single-node goes just fine, with first 6 eigenvalues close
> to zero.
> Rui Rodrigues
> On Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:55:44 +0200, Ran Friedman wrote
>> Your NMA seem to run on one processor four times. I'm not sure if the EM
>> part can be run in parallel. This doesn't seem to be the reason for the
>> negative eigenvalue. What was the g_anaeig command (with flags)?
>> nahren manuel wrote:
>>> Dear Ran,
>>> I ran the whole NMA again and I found where I go wrong. I hope it will
>>> help others as well.
>>> (sorry for a big email)
>>> In steps 1 & 2 (of minimization) I kept the C-alpha frozen.
>>> 1. doublegrompp -f em1.mdp -c r1dodecapdb.pdb -p r1top.top -o em1tpr.tpr
>>> mpirun -np 8 ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm em1tpr
>>> Steepest Descents converged to Fmax < 100 in 2569 steps
>>> Potential Energy  = -6.21296128286120e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  9.87358378592302e+01 on atom 701
>>> Norm of force     =  1.04875323563923e+01
>>> 2. doublegrompp -f em2.mdp -c em1tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em2tpr.tpr -t
>>> em1tpr.trr
>>> mpirun -np 8 ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm em2tpr
>>> Polak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradients converged to Fmax < 1 in 6596 steps
>>> Potential Energy  = -7.56682084795001e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  9.92719787231560e-01 on atom 1320
>>> Norm of force     =  6.47772253797808e-02
>>> 3. doublegrompp -f em3.mdp -c em2tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em3tpr.tpr -t
>>> em2tpr.trr
>>> mpirun -np 8 ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm em3tpr
>>> Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
>>> Converged to machine precision,
>>> but not to the requested precision Fmax < 10
>>> writing lowest energy coordinates.
>>> Steepest Descents converged to machine precision in 3018 steps,
>>> but did not reach the requested Fmax < 10.
>>> Potential Energy  = -8.49398064549505e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  6.86336687926682e+01 on atom 935
>>> Norm of force     =  7.15798864024085e+00
>>> 4. doublegrompp -f em4.mdp -c em3tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em4tpr.tpr -t
>>> em3tpr.trr
>>> mpirun -np 8 ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm em4tpr
>>> Stepsize too small, or no change in energy.
>>> Converged to machine precision,
>>> but not to the requested precision Fmax < 0.01
>>> writing lowest energy coordinates.
>>> Polak-Ribiere Conjugate Gradients converged to machine precision in
>>> 21674 steps,
>>> but did not reach the requested Fmax < 0.01.
>>> Potential Energy  = -9.66058047638671e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  1.49342602818840e+00 on atom 590
>>> Norm of force     =  1.86576579430541e-01
>>> 5.doublegrompp -f em5.mdp -c em4tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em5tpr.tpr -t
>>> em4tpr.trr
>>>  ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm em5tpr
>>> Low-Memory BFGS Minimizer converged to machine precision in 10346 steps,
>>> but did not reach the requested Fmax < 0.0001.
>>> Potential Energy  = -9.66337416273684e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  6.48625019025464e-04 on atom 581
>>> Norm of force     =  6.35632681200205e-05
>>> 6.doublegrompp -f em6.mdp -c em5tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em6tpr.tpr -t
>>> em5tpr.trr
>>> Low-Memory BFGS Minimizer converged to machine precision in 3316 steps,
>>> but did not reach the requested Fmax < 1e-08.
>>> Potential Energy  = -9.66337416275038e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  6.48788529801368e-05 on atom 8
>>> Norm of force     =  6.56362137550289e-06
>>> 7. doublegrompp -f em7.mdp -c em6tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em7tpr.tpr -t
>>> em6tpr.trr
>>> Low-Memory BFGS Minimizer converged to machine precision in 7530 steps,
>>> but did not reach the requested Fmax < 1e-08.
>>> Potential Energy  = -9.66337416275071e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  4.07762128402886e-07 on atom 10
>>> Norm of force     =  5.79534451487287e-08
>>> 8. doublegrompp -f em8.mdp -c em7tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o em8tpr.tpr -t
>>> em7tpr.trr
>>> Low-Memory BFGS Minimizer converged to Fmax < 1e-08 in 5840 steps
>>> Potential Energy  = -9.66337416275070e+03
>>> Maximum force     =  8.41750710592449e-09 on atom 521
>>> Norm of force     =  1.28889193955553e-09
>>> NMA
>>> 9. doublegrompp -f nma.mdp -t em8tpr.trr -c em8tpr.gro -p r1top.top -o
>>> nmatpr.tpr
>>> ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm nmatpr
>>> (a sinlge processor)
>>>  ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm nmatpr
>>> it created only one nmatpr.mtx
>>> Maximum force: 8.41751e-09
>>> Finished step 1400 out of 1400
>>> It creates the output nmatpr.mtx nmatpr.edr etc....
>>> Now I delete all nma files
>>> rm nmatpr.*
>>> (4 processor)
>>> mpirun -np 4 ~/gmxdpr/bin/doublemdrun -v -deffnm nmatpr
>>> Maximum force: 8.41768e-09
>>> Maximum force: 8.41768e-09
>>> Maximum force: 8.41768e-09
>>> Maximum force: 8.41768e-09
>>> Finished step 1399 out of 1400
>>> Writing Hessian...
>>> Writing Hessian...
>>> Writing Hessian...
>>> Finished step 1400 out of 1400
>>> Writing Hessian...
>>> Back Off! I just backed up nmatpr.mtx to ./#nmatpr.mtx.2#
>>> It gives me negative eigenvalues.
>>> One would expect it should not create nmatpr.mtx.1 nmatpr.mtc.2
>>> etc...since these files have been removed. Because it created multiple
>>> nmatpr.mtx file and backup one over another
>>> I am not sure If the problem occurs with my system , but other MPIRUN
>>> (with mdrun) do not create such backup.
>>> Best,
>>> nahren
>>> --- On *Wed, 7/28/10, Ran Friedman /<r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch>/* wrote:
>>>     From: Ran Friedman <r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch>
>>>     Subject: Re: [gmx-users] Entropy from NMA
>>>     To: "Discussion list for GROMACS users" <gmx-users at gromacs.org>
>>>     Date: Wednesday, July 28, 2010, 3:10 PM
>>>     p.s. How big is this negative value?
>>>     Ran Friedman wrote:
>>>>     Hi,
>>>>     Can you post the exact commands you used for EM and NMA?
>>>>     Ran
>>>>     nahren manuel wrote:
>>>>>     Dear Gromacs Users,
>>>>>     I am trying to calculate Entropy from Normal Mode Analysis.
>>>>>     I minimized the structure to
>>>>>     8.41750710592449e-09
>>>>>     Then I calculated the normal mode (the mdp file is given below).
>>>>>     But when i try to calculate the Eigenvalues, I get the following
>>>>>     warning
>>>>>     One of the lowest 6 eigenvalues has a non-zero value.
>>>>>     This could mean that the reference structure was not
>>>>>     properly energy minimized.
>>>>>     Writing eigenvalues...
>>>>>     I get only negative eigenvalues.
>>>>>     Let me also add that I used the same mdp file for minimization
>>>>>     changing the integrator to steep, cg and finally to l-bfgs.
>>>>>     Best,
>>>>>     nahren
>>>>>     -----------------------
>>>>>     integrator    = nm     
>>>>>     constraints = none
>>>>>     define = -DFLEXIBLE
>>>>>     emtol        = 0.00000001    
>>>>>     emstep          = 0.00000001     
>>>>>     nsteps        = 50000       
>>>>>     nstlist        = 1      
>>>>>     ns_type        = grid    
>>>>>     rlist        = 1.5     
>>>>>     coulombtype    = shift     
>>>>>     rcoulomb-switch    = 1.0    
>>>>>     rvdw-switch        = 1.0      
>>>>>     vdwtype = shift
>>>>>     rcoulomb = 1.3
>>>>>     rvdw = 1.3
>>>>     -- 
>>>>     ------------------------------------------------------
>>>>     Ran Friedman
>>>>     Postdoctoral Fellow
>>>>     Computational Structural Biology Group (A. Caflisch)
>>>>     Department of Biochemistry
>>>>     University of Zurich
>>>>     Winterthurerstrasse 190
>>>>     CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
>>>>     Tel. +41-44-6355559
>>>>     Email: r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch </mc/compose?to=r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch>
>>>>     Skype: ran.friedman
>>>>     ------------------------------------------------------
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>> -- 
>> ------------------------------------------------------
>> Ran Friedman
>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>> Computational Structural Biology Group (A. Caflisch)
>> Department of Biochemistry
>> University of Zurich
>> Winterthurerstrasse 190
>> CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
>> Tel. +41-44-6355559
>> Email: r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch
>> Skype: ran.friedman
>> ------------------------------------------------------
> --
> Webmail ESTG de Leiria (http://webmail.estg.ipleiria.pt)

Ran Friedman
Postdoctoral Fellow
Computational Structural Biology Group (A. Caflisch)
Department of Biochemistry
University of Zurich
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41-44-6355559
Email: r.friedman at bioc.uzh.ch
Skype: ran.friedman

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