[gmx-users] genion writes a log file?
Justin A. Lemkul
jalemkul at vt.edu
Thu Nov 18 21:38:17 CET 2010
When using versions 4.5.2 and 4.5.3, I have noticed that genion now outputs a
file called "genion.log" (or "genion_node0.log" with 4.5.2) that appears to
contain the header information normally found in an md.log file produced by
mdrun (see below). Is this normal? There really isn't any use to this file,
from what I can tell, so I suspect it shouldn't be written, but I can't find the
relevant code change that would have caused it.
Log file opened on Thu Nov 18 15:12:15 2010
Host: justin-lemkuls-macbook.local pid: 19469 nodeid: 0 nnodes: 1
The Gromacs distribution was built Thu Nov 18 15:00:26 EST 2010 by
justin at justin-lemkuls-macbook.local (Darwin 9.8.0 i386)
Input Parameters:
integrator = steep
nsteps = 50000
init_step = 0
ns_type = Grid
nstlist = 1
ndelta = 2
nstcomm = 10
comm_mode = Linear
nstlog = 100
nstxout = 100
nstvout = 100
nstfout = 0
nstcalcenergy = -1
nstenergy = 100
nstxtcout = 0
init_t = 0
delta_t = 0.001
xtcprec = 1000
nkx = 50
nky = 54
nkz = 48
pme_order = 4
ewald_rtol = 1e-05
ewald_geometry = 0
epsilon_surface = 0
optimize_fft = FALSE
ePBC = xyz
bPeriodicMols = FALSE
bContinuation = FALSE
etc = No
nsttcouple = -1
epc = No
epctype = Isotropic
nstpcouple = -1
tau_p = 1
ref_p (3x3):
ref_p[ 0]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
ref_p[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
ref_p[ 2]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
compress (3x3):
compress[ 0]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
compress[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
compress[ 2]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
refcoord_scaling = No
posres_com (3):
posres_com[0]= 0.00000e+00
posres_com[1]= 0.00000e+00
posres_com[2]= 0.00000e+00
posres_comB (3):
posres_comB[0]= 0.00000e+00
posres_comB[1]= 0.00000e+00
posres_comB[2]= 0.00000e+00
andersen_seed = 815131
rlist = 1
rlistlong = 1
rtpi = 0.05
coulombtype = PME
rcoulomb_switch = 0
rcoulomb = 1
vdwtype = Cut-off
rvdw_switch = 0
rvdw = 1
epsilon_r = 1
epsilon_rf = 1
tabext = 1
implicit_solvent = No
gb_algorithm = Still
gb_epsilon_solvent = 80
nstgbradii = 1
rgbradii = 1
gb_saltconc = 0
gb_obc_alpha = 1
gb_obc_beta = 0.8
gb_obc_gamma = 4.85
gb_dielectric_offset = 0.009
sa_algorithm = Ace-approximation
sa_surface_tension = 2.05016
DispCorr = No
free_energy = no
init_lambda = 0
delta_lambda = 0
n_foreign_lambda = 0
sc_alpha = 0
sc_power = 0
sc_sigma = 0.3
sc_sigma_min = 0.3
nstdhdl = 10
separate_dhdl_file = yes
dhdl_derivatives = yes
dh_hist_size = 0
dh_hist_spacing = 0.1
nwall = 0
wall_type = 9-3
wall_atomtype[0] = -1
wall_atomtype[1] = -1
wall_density[0] = 0
wall_density[1] = 0
wall_ewald_zfac = 3
pull = no
disre = No
disre_weighting = Conservative
disre_mixed = FALSE
dr_fc = 1000
dr_tau = 0
nstdisreout = 100
orires_fc = 0
orires_tau = 0
nstorireout = 100
dihre-fc = 1000
em_stepsize = 0.01
em_tol = 1000
niter = 20
fc_stepsize = 0
nstcgsteep = 1000
nbfgscorr = 10
ConstAlg = Lincs
shake_tol = 0.0001
lincs_order = 4
lincs_warnangle = 30
lincs_iter = 1
bd_fric = 0
ld_seed = 1993
cos_accel = 0
deform (3x3):
deform[ 0]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
deform[ 1]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
deform[ 2]={ 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00, 0.00000e+00}
userint1 = 0
userint2 = 0
userint3 = 0
userint4 = 0
userreal1 = 0
userreal2 = 0
userreal3 = 0
userreal4 = 0
nrdf: 41373
ref_t: 0
tau_t: 0
anneal: No
ann_npoints: 0
acc: 0 0 0
nfreeze: N N N
energygrp_flags[ 0]: 0
n = 0
n = 0
n = 0
n = 0
n = 0
n = 0
QMconstraints = 0
QMMMscheme = 0
scalefactor = 1
ngQM = 0
Max number of connections per atom is 102
Total number of connections is 87500
Max number of graph edges per atom is 4
Total number of graph edges is 27632
Table routines are used for coulomb: TRUE
Table routines are used for vdw: TRUE
Will do PME sum in reciprocal space.
U. Essman, L. Perela, M. L. Berkowitz, T. Darden, H. Lee and L. G. Pedersen
A smooth particle mesh Ewald method
J. Chem. Phys. 103 (1995) pp. 8577-8592
-------- -------- --- Thank You --- -------- --------
Will do ordinary reciprocal space Ewald sum.
Using a Gaussian width (1/beta) of 0.320163 nm for Ewald
Using shifted Lennard-Jones, switch between 0 and 1 nm
Cut-off's: NS: 1 Coulomb: 1 LJ: 1
System total charge: 8.000
Generated table with 1000 data points for Ewald.
Tabscale = 500 points/nm
Generated table with 1000 data points for LJ6Shift.
Tabscale = 500 points/nm
Generated table with 1000 data points for LJ12Shift.
Tabscale = 500 points/nm
Generated table with 1000 data points for 1-4 COUL.
Tabscale = 500 points/nm
Generated table with 1000 data points for 1-4 LJ6.
Tabscale = 500 points/nm
Generated table with 1000 data points for 1-4 LJ12.
Tabscale = 500 points/nm
Enabling SPC-like water optimization for 5916 molecules.
Configuring nonbonded kernels...
Configuring standard C nonbonded kernels...
Testing ia32 SSE2 support... present.
Removing pbc first time
Done rmpbc
Justin A. Lemkul
Ph.D. Candidate
ICTAS Doctoral Scholar
Department of Biochemistry
Virginia Tech
Blacksburg, VA
jalemkul[at]vt.edu | (540) 231-9080
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