[gmx-users] Visualization problem of bromo atom connected to an aromatic ring due to gromacs or VMD?

Meyer-Almes, Franz-Josef, Prof. Dr. franz-josef.meyer-almes at h-da.de
Sun Sep 12 20:07:47 CEST 2010

Dear all,

I have two question:

1) Are the atom types I chose for the use of OPLS force field correct?

I use gromacs 4.0.7 with opls force field under Ubuntu Linux to simulate enzyme drug interaction. Since the Dundee Prodrg Server converts PDB files of drug structures just in an .itp file compatible with gromos forcefields, I had to change the atom types as follows:


 [ moleculetype ]
; Name nrexcl
drug      3

[ atoms ]
;   nr      type  resnr resid  atom  cgnr   charge     mass
     1        opls_145     1  DRG     C1     1   -0.018  13.0190
     2        opls_729     1  DRG     C2     1    0.002  12.0110
     3        opls_730     1  DRG    BR1     1    0.016  79.9040
     4        opls_166     1  DRG     C3     2    0.149  12.0110
     5        opls_167     1  DRG     O1     2   -0.174  15.9994
     6        opls_168     1  DRG    HAA     2    0.066   1.0080
     7        opls_145     1  DRG     C4     2   -0.020  13.0190
     8        opls_145     1  DRG     C5     2   -0.021  13.0190
     9        opls_145     1  DRG     C6     3    0.002  12.0110
    10       opls_136     1  DRG     C7     3    0.093  14.0270
    11       opls_139     1  DRG     C8     3    0.172  12.0110
    12       opls_750     1  DRG     N1     3   -0.267  14.0067
    13        opls_154     1  DRG     O2     4   -0.108  15.9994
    14        opls_155     1  DRG    HAB     4    0.108   1.0080
    15         opls_235     1  DRG     C9     5    0.395  12.0110
    16         opls_236     1  DRG     O3     5   -0.664  15.9994
    17         opls_237     1  DRG     N2     5    0.159  14.0067
    18         opls_240     1  DRG    HAD     5    0.024   1.0080
    19         opls_136     1  DRG    C10     5    0.086  14.0270
    20         opls_206     1  DRG    C11     6    0.000  14.0270
    21         opls_083     1  DRG     S1     7   -1.000  32.0600


    1DRG  C1       1   8.555   5.270  -3.838
    1DRG  C2       2   8.529   5.317  -3.967
    1DRG  BR1      3   8.392   5.231  -4.068
    1DRG  C3       4   8.602   5.424  -4.019
    1DRG  O1       5   8.580   5.472  -4.145
    1DRG  HAA      6   8.507   5.419  -4.189
    1DRG  C4       7   8.700   5.485  -3.941
    1DRG  C5       8   8.725   5.438  -3.812
    1DRG  C6       9   8.653   5.331  -3.760
    1DRG  C7      10   8.681   5.281  -3.619
    1DRG  C8      11   8.788   5.172  -3.616
    1DRG  N1      12   8.913   5.205  -3.598
    1DRG  O2      13   8.945   5.341  -3.583
    1DRG  HAB     14   9.044   5.351  -3.570
    1DRG  C9      15   8.736   5.032  -3.632
    1DRG  O3      16   8.619   5.004  -3.652
    1DRG  N2      17   8.828   4.932  -3.624
    1DRG  HAD     18   8.925   4.956  -3.626
    1DRG  C10     19   8.790   4.792  -3.610
    1DRG  C11     20   8.903   4.690  -3.629
    1DRG  S1      21   8.838   4.520  -3.654
   1.11480   1.11480   1.11480

2) Visualization problem of VMD?
The second question is related to the first one:
I use VMD 1.8.7 under Windows XP. When I try to visualize above mentioned Drg.gro file using VMD, the bromo atom appears as a tiny point and is not connected to C2 as it should. When I convert the Drg.gro file to a pdf-file by the command editconf, the pdf-structure displays the bromo atom correctly connected to the aromatic ring. In addition, during the course of an mdrun over 1 ns the relative position and the distance of the bromo atom to C2 remained unchanged. The distance between BR1 and C2 in the final mdrun after some relaxation was constantly 1.89 Angstrom which is realistic. Is my observation a visualization problem of VMD or a serious problem with gromacs which I do not see.
If it is a problem with VMD, Is there a remedy for the incorrect visualization of the drug molecule?

Thank you in advance,


F.-J. Meyer-Almes

Hochschule Darmstadt

Fachbereich Chemie- und Biotechnologie

Schnittspahnstr. 12

64287 Darmstadt

Email: franz-josef.meyer-almes at h-da.de

Tel.: ++49-(0)6151-168406


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