[gmx-users] Postdoctoral and staff scientist positions in the Gromacs teams

Erik Lindahl erik at kth.se
Thu Dec 1 10:42:55 CET 2011


As we have occasionally done in the past on this list, I just want to mention that we currently have a couple of openings in the Gromacs team in Stockholm if you're interested (or know somebody who might be).

Subject:  Postdoctoral & staff scientist positions: Development of Next-Generation Parallel Algorithms for Molecular Dynamics

We are looking for exceptionally talented researchers interested in inventing the next-generation parallel algorithms for molecular simulation, mostly related to GROMACS. 
Potential projects include:

* Techniques for domain decomposition over millions of cores
* Heterogeneous parallelization utilizing both CPUs and GPUs
* Multi-level parallelization: threads, MPI, task parallelism
* Multi-grid and multipole methods for long-range electrostatics
* Markov State Models for ensemble & distributed computing 
* Large-scale simulations of Membrane proteins and drug design

We have a longer PDF ad & prospect that I'd be happy to send to anyone interested!

We provide a leading international research environment, competitive salaries, and the work is carried out in collaboration with partners such as the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Oak Ridge National Labs, and RIKEN in Kobe where we have access to some of the world’s fastest supercomputers.

Submit a PDF application with a CV, description of interests, and a list of publications for postdoctoral positions to Erik Lindahl <erik at kth.se>  or Berk Hess <hess at kth.se>; we are also happy to answer any questions!



Erik Lindahl <erik at kth.se>
Professor of Theoretical & Computational Biophysics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Professor of Computational Structural Biology, Stockholm University
Albanova University Center, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel (KTH): +46 8 55378029  Tel (SU): +46 8 164675  
Swedish cell: +46 73 4618050  US cell: +1 206 457 7887

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